I feel that this song strongly applies to me
Head over heals I've fit in before
Now I don't want to do it no more
I've held it all in with blood on my face
Built it up man so bad you can taste
I don't slag no one
I don't even judge
Don't give a shit cause I'm not gonna budge
I just want...
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Head over heals I've fit in before
Now I don't want to do it no more
I've held it all in with blood on my face
Built it up man so bad you can taste
I don't slag no one
I don't even judge
Don't give a shit cause I'm not gonna budge
I just want...
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Those fuckers are always fuckin the phones up. Can't they ever get their shit straight ??

Hello, new friend.

Same shit different day. The weeks go fast but the days take forever. The term day by day sux ! How come I can't just go week by week ? Well I still have about 9-10 more months left here in Dirtville Afghanistan and a little less than 3 years left in the army. I hate it when you have so much to look forward...
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"Andromida806 said on
April 17, 2004 05:15 PM
Sounds like you got your shit all under control.
Need to show me how to do that. I'd be set"
umm whats this mean?????
April 17, 2004 05:15 PM
Sounds like you got your shit all under control.
Need to show me how to do that. I'd be set"
umm whats this mean?????

Bah! Im sorry, but i absolutely adore Germany!
I can understand wanting to see purple sticky flowers instead of dirt and sand... my beloved has been in Iraq since April of last year. He didnt even take his 2 weeks of leave in the middle because we thought it would just be too hard on us to be pulled apart again. But here it is, May, almost June, and i wont see a blink of his image until August.. in Germany.
Be careful out in the sandbox. Try not to earn any medals of 'almost death" alright?
ciao miao
I can understand wanting to see purple sticky flowers instead of dirt and sand... my beloved has been in Iraq since April of last year. He didnt even take his 2 weeks of leave in the middle because we thought it would just be too hard on us to be pulled apart again. But here it is, May, almost June, and i wont see a blink of his image until August.. in Germany.
Be careful out in the sandbox. Try not to earn any medals of 'almost death" alright?
ciao miao
Same shit different day. The weeks go fast but the days take forever. The term day by day sux ! How come I can't just go week by week ? Well I still have about 9-10 more months left here in Dirtville Afghanistan and a little less than 3 years left in the army. I hate it when you have so much to look forward...
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SO ! By the order of my great leaders, I am nocturnal. They needed a guy to work at night who actually knew what he was doing. So, I'm not gonna brag, but most peeps in the military lack comman sense and it seems that my comman sense seems to work well with troubleshooting.
For anyone new, or that has the memory span of a...
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For anyone new, or that has the memory span of a...
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WOoHOo I got a new friend !
Wait a tick...It probably doesn't look so good when I'm the one spamming my own page...oh well, who cares, kiss my ass
Wait a tick...It probably doesn't look so good when I'm the one spamming my own page...oh well, who cares, kiss my ass

Stewie rocks!
Well, I guess all I could say is, My Afghan Vacation is going smoothly. Haven't had any attacks, yet. Other than that. The days keep goin by faster and faster, while my pockets keep getting fatter and fatter. When I get some more time I'll put some real shit in here.
the whole no tax thing is wonderful isn't it?
Stay safe.

wow it sucks that you have to be there away from home.in my opinion its all bullshit,not what you are trained to do but the whole situation.i hope you are not offended!
anyway i'm glad that you are safe and can have this website as distraction to keep you "happy"
good luck

anyway i'm glad that you are safe and can have this website as distraction to keep you "happy"
good luck

Well Theres not much for me to say considering I won't be around for a while. I'll be gone for quite a while so I'd really appreciate some of your support while I'm gone. I'll be in Afghanistan for 6 months, So they say.....Leaving Jan 2nd. Hope to make it back to read all your comments and such. Wish me luck !
Hope that all goes well. You are in so many thought's and prayers.
hope the tour is an easy ride man, you take care.
had to check out your profile, stewie rocks
had to check out your profile, stewie rocks

Well I'm back in Germany after my great vacation back home. Sad to go.... But who really cares.... 3 years will pass and I'll be back in CA.

RATT RATT RATT RATT RATT. I got my own profile now! I'm so special.
Germany sucks huH?
Well I've been home for quite a while now....2 weeks to be exact. I did end up getting my lebrett peirced, just high enough that I could wear a loop. It kinda felt like he pinched my lip when the guy did it but after that I guess I was ok. This is my first peircing and could very well be my last, but at...
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Getting ready for the long hours in the sky ...Destination.... Home! Time for much fun and sun. Orange County here I come. I'm really excited. Going to get a few new Tats and FINALLY gonna get my lip peirced. WOoHOo
. That's about it for My first entry here.

Where ar eyou stationed? I'm getting ready to move to Wiebaden and be with my fiancee. How do you like it? I went for a short visit in May and loved it except the no AC thing. ick. 

I think it's pretty cool.... Weisbaden isn't but an hour or 2 away from where I'm at which is Stuttgart. You and your fiancee should have a great time with all the sites to see. It can really be a beautiful country when you have someone to share it with.
I've met the whole band...I won tickets for a private MTV show thing a while back and have pics with all of them
It was AWESOME....