I realize the difference between you and me and feel sadness.
Please, go to congrats the lovely Ines.
have you ever seen such smiles in one set ?
I like to see her like that.
And today it's a Ayane 's day. go to congrats her to please, she's so nice, so beautiful. and it is my friend. I'm proud of her !
My little set just for you
sorry to impose you my pictures everytime, but I like very much to do photos...
and I have nobody else to show them...
and I know you are waiting for to see my new tatoo.
next upadate. I have not really time to do some pics now.
in waiting the next pics of my tatoo....
and it is just for fun, so don't tell me it is bad. I know it... thank you
Please, go to congrats the lovely Ines.
have you ever seen such smiles in one set ?
I like to see her like that.
And today it's a Ayane 's day. go to congrats her to please, she's so nice, so beautiful. and it is my friend. I'm proud of her !
My little set just for you
sorry to impose you my pictures everytime, but I like very much to do photos...
and I know you are waiting for to see my new tatoo.
next upadate. I have not really time to do some pics now.
in waiting the next pics of my tatoo....
and it is just for fun, so don't tell me it is bad. I know it... thank you
Mais jpense ramen mon T-shirt rose SG (celui pour fille), mme si il m'est trop court. Mais je l'enfilerai dans la soire, car bon... me promenet le nombril l'air toute la journe, ca le fait grave moyen ^^ Surtout mes journes portes ouvertes
Ha oui... seul modif avant le 25, je vais me raccourcir la tresse
Et j'hsite pas mal pour ta coupe... j'ai trop du mal savoir laquelle je prfre. Donc me laisse pas ce choix ^^.
Sinon pour le tee shirt, ben j'ai pris la taille maximal qui est "L" (c'est ce que je porte habituellement), mais celui-ci st vraiment trs trs petit.
Mais si tu veux que je l'adapte ta manire, on peut dire que la fille qui je l'ai vol est entrain de dormir profondment dans la fort sous un hamas de terre
Sinon, dsl d'abmer tes jolies petits pieds cause de moi
Sinon, je pense que je serai principalement habill d'un tee shirt noir avec un arc en ciel