My financial situation is pretty ghastly. I'll spare the details, but it sucks. And I feel like the shit is going to hit the fan rathr soon. How awful that Christmas is coming up. That isn't going to help. I think I'm shooting my credit to hell. I'd really like to interview for new jobs, but I'm feeling like it will be rather difficult while I am still working at the product placement agency. I actually got a call to come in and interview for an assistant position at the Game Show Network last Tuesday. It would be heavenly to get it. They would pay me twice what I make now. But I doubt they will call me back. I knew they probably needed someone with more experience, and I'm not good at bullshitting. But still I am glad that I was at least called in for an interview. It made me feel better about myself and my potential. I will try to interview a little more, but right now I'm a little concerned with saving the account that has been put partly under my care. So even though I'm making shit, saving this thing would be pretty stellar. It would definitely be an accomplishment. Anyway, I am feeling better lately. Less overwhelmed and put out. I just have a tendency to spazz and bitch on-line...passive agressive I guess.

I know this sounds like happy horse shit but got to believe in yourself or no one else will. Good luck hope you get something new soon.
Hope you have a Great Thanksgiving!! If you want to knock off a bank sometime so we can both pay off our bills . . . hehehe ;-)