God dammit! Why why why? Why am I getting a new tattoo tomorrow? Why do I keep thinking about submitting a stupid set to this site and talking myself out of it? Why can't I find a hot guy who's not an asshole? Why am I feeling so lost at work? Why do I feel the way I do now? Why can't I figure out how to make this feeling go away? I need to fall over the edge! But which way should I jump?

DON'T JUMP!!! I hear ya though....things are tough sometimes....are you going to be around this weekend? Maybe we could grab a beer or something.....BP
You're getting new ink tomorrow, because it rocks. You keep talking yourself outta submitting a set, cause you're letting your own voice drown out all the other voices. Sometimes it's best to take their advice - you'll probably love the set! Hot guys that aren't assholes, get overlooked because of all the more obnoxious assholes out there. (I keep trying to figure out why all the awesome women keep hooking up with assholes, when they say they want the opposite? Maybe they're just hooked on the alpha males?) Work always makes me feel lost. It's what happens when you spend so much time doin something that bores you, most of the time. To make any unwanted feeling go away - just hike to the top of a hill (where there's no traffic, or assholes) and just force ALL thoughts outta yer pretty little head. Just marvel at the birds flying. If it comes to it.....you shoud jump into the wind. Don't know if it's the right direction for you, but it'll look much cooler to those below.