Do you ever want to leave a girl a mean comment?
Sometimes I do, but I don't do it. I figure I really don't wanna look like an ass. And besides it takes some level of guts to let people look at you naked, so it really wouldn't be nice of me to be like, "Not impressed." I'm not impressed somewhat often.
I am sick of several things I'm seeing in sets:
1. Sets that are not shot all at the same time, in the same location, or in the same style (unless there is some artistic reason for it). They just look lame. Come on. I'm sure you can do a little better.
2. Pouring stuff on yourself during your set. Been there done that. I don't need to see you spilling wine, milk, water, or soy sauce all over yourself. It was cool the first couple of times. Get over it.
3. Repeating themes. Before you submit a set, look at what's already been done. Some things are quite common and don't get old. But others should be left alone unless you have a VERY original take on them.
Sometimes I do, but I don't do it. I figure I really don't wanna look like an ass. And besides it takes some level of guts to let people look at you naked, so it really wouldn't be nice of me to be like, "Not impressed." I'm not impressed somewhat often.
I am sick of several things I'm seeing in sets:
1. Sets that are not shot all at the same time, in the same location, or in the same style (unless there is some artistic reason for it). They just look lame. Come on. I'm sure you can do a little better.
2. Pouring stuff on yourself during your set. Been there done that. I don't need to see you spilling wine, milk, water, or soy sauce all over yourself. It was cool the first couple of times. Get over it.
3. Repeating themes. Before you submit a set, look at what's already been done. Some things are quite common and don't get old. But others should be left alone unless you have a VERY original take on them.