Tonight...tonight. I went to a show at the Derby tonight. I was sitting there, not really enjoying the band, and then I saw him. This guy was orgasms to look at. And I wanted him right away. He came and sat at the bar not far from me and I sat and tried to figure out a way to talk to him for what seemed like eternity. Every moment that went by I knew I was losing an opportunity. But I punked out and let him go away. So his friend remained and I asked about him, and found out he was in the I went out there and bummed a cigarette. After a bit he said he was going inside for a drink and I invited myself in with him. He knew I was interested. I told him right off the bat that he was ridiculously handsome. He bought me a drink and obliged my attempts at conversation. Later on I found out he has a girlfriend. But it didn't matter. I got the guts up to talk to him and that's what matters. At least I didn't sit back and do nothing.
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