I am tired of guys who are afraid of making a real connection with me. I am tired of not loving anyone. I want someone who is there for me and who cares and who isn't scared of falling in love. But to be quite honest, I am afraid myself. I am afraid that the paths I walk down may never bring me to where I want to be. Maybe I will always be a step or a turn away from happiness. I feel like I am playing a game of chance, and that luck may never strike. I still smile and move on, but some days my stomach turns. Today is such a day. I left K.'s house this morning and felt so sad. I need say good-bye because I need more. But right now I'm so discouraged.

don't you think we're all afraid to fall in love. i mean who wants to hurt? if you don't give your heart then it's just a dull pain but if you do give it and you''re rejected it's like having a cannon ball go through your chest. but if the pain can hurt that bad don't you think the love can feel that good and whats the point of living if we don't experience emotion fully?