What a God-awful week this has been! I have been constantly busy dealing with stupid bullshit at work and yesterday I get sent out on a three hour expedition for a check that doesn't get cut for the right amount because stupid people don't listen to me and when I get back to the office, I try to access an Excel document and my computer totally poops out! My fucking hard drive is gone! So that's lovely, and then I go and switch computers and the one I have now doesn't have a working version of iChat, won't let me into Filemaker documents, and best of all it no longer has my Entourage identity on it, so I have to recreate it but oddly enough I can't remember the fucking password! Jesus, it never ends! Why, you may wonder, did I not write that password down somewhere? Hmm, I guess it's because I thought I remembered it. How could I forget it: 5brEnda6. But apparently, that's not it! So, now I'm stuck twiddling my fingers, sitting on my ass totally out of the loop and unable to do much about it until our tech guy comes back in on Monday. Oh, Oh! And then as I am switching my machine, getting ready to lug a Mac downstairs our Film Department head comes in and flips out! She's like, "I can't believe you people can't pick up the fucking phones! That phone shouldn't ring more than twice. I don't know what system you had worked out, but it's not working! I've been answering the phones all morning long and right now So and so and So and so are trying to help me do something and the phones are just ringing! And I go over to look for you and you're not at your desk and the music is blaring! And another thing, why can't people do their fucking dishes? Thanks a lot co-workers, why don't you stick something else really huge up my ass?!" So needless to say, I am rather taken aback by this, and then I'm just downright pissed off. My ass she's been answering phones all morning! I am the only one I'm seeing jump through hoops in this office to get the damn phone! I can't even eat my fucking lunch without having to go answer the phone at least three times! Oh, and the dishes? Well, I don't only wash my dishes, but I wash my bosses' and their guests' stupid dishes and I serve the bastards coffee and water when they have conferences and I fucking vacuum the damn lobby and try to make sure things look presentable even though that's not my fucking job! But I do it and I do it gracefully. You don't see me bitching about it until some asshole comes and tells me I'm not doing my job. And then just when things couldn't get any worse, I suddenly have cotton mouth like I've been smoking weed all morning long, and I feel like shit and drinking water only hurts! So much for the fucking psychic's prediction of a lucky time around the 17th! Right now I'm just wondering how else the Cosmic forces are gonna screw me today. Huh? What you got??? Bring it! Fuck the bullshit, it's time to throw down!

psychic's prediction? ..... hijoles!