Okay, so you'll never believe what this asshole had the balls to invite me to!!! Hehehehe
Just jokin'...although I don't know what to think about this invite I got to a game of strip Trivial Pursuit...I'll have to think about it. But what's really on my mind right now is that my room mates talked me into going to a psychic this evening. I was about to suggest that they get their palms read and I invest my cash into a piercing instead, but in the end I decided to go along with it and the experience was actually more interesting than I thought it would be. So, now I just have to share with it with you all 'cuz I thought it was interesting: So my room mates and I cruise down La Cienega in search of a psychic place that looks open. We find one and my room mate D. goes in first. After all this was her idea in the first place. My other room mate, R., and I sit in the waiting room and talk about how we would've liked to all go in together...but we just went along with the psychic lady. D.'s reading lasted about five minutes and then the psychic came out and pointed at R. to come in next, so I was last by default. I wanted to talk to D. about her experience, but she got a call from her crush, so she just left me there to wonder what I was in for. I found myself to be somewhat nervous and when R. opened the door and it was my turn I actually jumped. What would this woman tell me? Would she tell me something awful that I would believe because I'm a gullable dumbass? But anyway, I had no choice but to get up and walk into the reading room. The psychic introduced herself as Sara and I told her my name and then she asked me to make two wishes. I wished for financial prosperity and love. (Pretty typical I guess.) Then she asked to see my hand. This was interesting because she did not look at my palm at all. She just took my hand in her and felt "my energy." Then she asked me to tell her what one of the wishes was. I told her the financial one. She said she felt "good energy" about this and that I would succeed and own my own business because I didn't like taking orders. She also said I can be very bossy and intimidating, especially to men. And she also said she sensed a move...like I would be moving out of L.A. (This does not seem at all likely, but my parents, whom I'm still pretty close to, may be moving soon, and I just realized my lover told me a few days ago he was thinking about moving.) She also told me that I had a very old soul...that I had lived many past lives, and that I had been a man several times. She said this was why I was having trouble connecting with men...because karma was coming back to kick me in the ass. (Could this also be why I'm a member of this site?) So, then she asked me if I was involved with a man and I told her yes, and she asked his name so I told her his name is K. She asked how long K. and I had been involved and I told her only a month, and she said, "But you've known him much longer." "No," I told her. We had only met about a month ago. She said she thought this was odd because she felt a very strong connection between us, like he had a very old soul as well, and she asked if he was older. He is. She said she felt a good energy between us, but that when we butted heads we did it in a big way. (We do.) I asked her how she advised I approach this relationship and she said I should take it very slowly, that she sensed he was still trying to get his life together. (He is.) She said I should read between the lines with him because he did not communicate well, but she said that I should be honest about my feelings but that I should not do it until about the 17th or 18th, because she sensed that would be a lucky time. (Funny since the 18th is his birthday and I was planning on inviting him over the 17th for some birthday sex. I wonder...will I get lucky?) So, she also said she sensed a promotion soon in my future and that I would have some positive change in my careeer. (Hah! We'll have to see about that one!) Then, she asked if I meditated and I told her I did once in a while, and she said she sensed that I was spiritually aware and that I would find new ways to approach happiness and love. But the thing that surprised me the most was that she asked about my mom. She said I was very close to her and she asked if she was sick...I told her it was possible, that we have a late on-set neurodegenerative disease running in our family. And she said, "She's going to be okay. I can tell you worry about that alot. You can stop worrying." I know that doesn't sound like much on paper...but it was the way she said it and the way she was holding my hand that really struck me. I think I believe her. But anyway, I just thought I should record all this somewhere so I can refer back to it in the future and see if this psychic thing is for real.

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