I feel my life spiraling out of my own control. It's so overwhelming. I need to be there for this and that person, and I need to do this and that for this and that person, and phones ring, and e-mails and im's come in, and the doorbell buzzes, and so and so needs to speak with so and so and the former so and so can't be found, and some mundane little detail goes wrong that turns what should be a simple project into a nightmare, and in the middle of all this I'm trying to keep my head straight and keep track of what I'm doing with myself and why, and I'm trying to do my job, and I'm trying to be happy, and I'm trying to not get hurt or hurt others and it's hard. It's more than I think I can deal with and I think something or someone is going to slip through the cracks and somehow something is going to fall and shatter. But what can I do? I gotta take the punches as they come.

A steady diet of Office Space, U2 and a hot black pump should do the trick. That and Tito's Tacos.