I feel like such a dumbass. I wanted to try to talk to him so badly. So I called and of course he didn't pick up. So I left this retarded fucking message. Something like: Hi,_____, I'm sorry to keep calling you...I'm just being all paranoid girly girl and wondering if you're going to call me again. I know you're really busy, but please call me soon if you're going to. I really had fun with you and I hope we can hang out again. So, I'll talk to you later...I hope." Great. Isn't that lovely? Why the hell did I have to go and leave him that message? I guess I felt like I was damned if I did, damned if I didn't. Okay, fine. So I did it. Now to delete his number from my phone book.

jeez, id love it if i got a message like that...if he likes you it wont change a thing and if he doesnt, well, it probably wont change a thing. putting yerself out there is scary but well worth it in the end. whenever that comes along...