If you live in the tri-state and/or new england area, want to travel and tour your ass off, and can really play drums and guitar/keyboards (you would be two people -- we don't need one person who can play both drums and guitar/keyboards)...then join my band. we're looking now...we just lost our drummer of three years to "domestic" life.
email drums@thestaticage.com (and go to thestaticage.com for clips...you know, you probably should know what the band sounds like before you try to join).
If you live in the tri-state and/or new england area, want to travel and tour your ass off, and can really play drums and guitar/keyboards (you would be two people -- we don't need one person who can play both drums and guitar/keyboards)...then join my band. we're looking now...we just lost our drummer of three years to "domestic" life.
email drums@thestaticage.com (and go to thestaticage.com for clips...you know, you probably should know what the band sounds like before you try to join).
why are drummers so hard to keep?