Finally getting caught up on everything. My student teaching ends friday. I'm excited, but I don't want to leave my students. I really enjoy being in the classroom, I just wish I could have given more of myself to it this semester. Other then that nothing new, still tired and burned out, but the end is in site and things seem to be getting better....
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[Edited on Apr 30, 2006 12:58AM]
It's just a kink test, silly.
Finally getting caught up on everything. My student teaching ends friday. I'm excited, but I don't want to leave my students. I really enjoy being in the classroom, I just wish I could have given more of myself to it this semester. Other then that nothing new, still tired and burned out, but the end is in site and things seem to be getting better....
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Interesting week. Play went up, car got wrecked, and now I'm sick. On the upside I have a new car, the play went great, and you can't be sick forever right? And with that hectic of a week things have to slow down sometime.

My play goes up friday. By my play I mean Picasso at the Lapin Agile by Steve Martin, the play that I chose, I'm directing, and I'm appearing in as my senior project. It is at 8pm in Peters Theater on william jewell college campus and is $5 admission, email me for more info
I have a funeral to go to on Saturday. I don't want to go, but I know it will never feel real if I don't.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I hate going to funerals but I force myself to go because I know that if I don't I will always regret it. I hope that things are going better for you. I know you don't know me but, I offer a hug from me to you.

Are you still interested in doing Secret Santa? We can do it with the few people that we have. IF I add myself in, I will have someone else draw the names and send emails.

[Edited on Nov 18, 2005 5:23PM]
I've gotten back into the scene a little again. I saw Pixel Panda sunday night and Ad astra and Appleseed cast Monday night. I also bar hopped and shopped on Mass Street b4 the show Monday, and I finally bought X-Las Angeles at the Love Garden. Talk about putting off buying an album for years.

I'm trying to decide if I want to travel back...
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I know i would if i could.
I've gotten back into the scene a little again. I saw Pixel Panda sunday night and Ad astra and Appleseed cast Monday night. I also bar hopped and shopped on Mass Street b4 the show Monday, and I finally bought X-Las Angeles at the Love Garden. Talk about putting off buying an album for years.

I'm trying to decide if I want to travel back...
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Shit, I said I wouldn't blog anymore, but here it goes. I think I'm burnt out. Everything I do I feel like it's pointless, like I'm stuck in one place and I'm not moving anywhere. I don't know what to do to kick start my life again. I mean I dig my job and I'm almost done with school, but it feels like there still...
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so I haven't posted in a while b/c I don't have much to say that's interesting and I have another blog to air out the thoughts in my head. So I put som pics up of my tattoos today. so if you're bored enough to read this you should check those out.
attn kc peoples:

the sgkc group is now up.

Ok. I didn't write the joke i just cut and pasted it biggrin
Have you ever had one of those days that you just can't explain?? A day that you somehow loose nearly allof. Not that nothing happens, in fact a lot happens, but it all ends and you're just more lost and confused then you were in teh begining. Everything that happened didn't solve anything but made it all worse more confuseing more jumbled. You start to...
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wink miao!!
wink miao!!