Went out tonite. I had 4 drinks in about an hour and was feeling pretty good. I noticed this guys drivers liscense was on the ground and I picked it up and handed it to him. So the guy bought me and my friend a round of drinks, needless to say 5 mixed drinks in under 1.5 hrs I'm feeling pretty good, well that's my story. Oh and yesterday I spent a good part of my day consuling a friend over a pretty harsh breakup, she's back w/ the guy today. Fucking waste of my time. I love my friends and I'm there for them if they need me, but don't come crying to me over a breakup then get back with the guy. I mean c'mon if he's gonna pull that bullshit then you need to fucking drop him at the curb.
More Blogs
Wednesday Apr 26, 2006
Finally getting caught up on everything. My student teaching ends fr… -
Wednesday Apr 26, 2006
Finally getting caught up on everything. My student teaching ends fr… -
Wednesday Feb 01, 2006
Interesting week. Play went up, car got wrecked, and now I'm sick. On… -
Sunday Jan 22, 2006
My play goes up friday. By my play I mean Picasso at the Lapin Agile… -
Wednesday Nov 09, 2005
I have a funeral to go to on Saturday. I don't want to go, but I kno… -
Friday Oct 21, 2005
I've gotten back into the scene a little again. I saw Pixel Panda su… -
Friday Oct 21, 2005
I've gotten back into the scene a little again. I saw Pixel Panda su… -
Monday Oct 17, 2005
Shit, I said I wouldn't blog anymore, but here it goes. I think I'm … -
Tuesday Jun 08, 2004
so I haven't posted in a while b/c I don't have much to say that's in… -
Saturday May 29, 2004
Have you ever had one of those days that you just can't explain?? A d…