i have such faith in humanity. even though bad things happen, i usually have a positive outlook, which is something i never thought of as a depressed little goth teenager. i used to think that i would never be happy. i thought i already had and lost the love of my life. i think the more i realized i didn't have it all figured out, the more i realized everything was okay. people are afraid of things they don't understand, but i just think we should embrace the unknown. be happy that someone cancels on you and you need to make last minute plans to do something you never would of thought to do that night, it could change your life. go out with that person you might not give the time of day, you could have a great time. or spend a day doing nothing at all. loaf around your house and take baths, read books, or walk around the yard aimlessly smoking cigarettes.
hey, theres always tomorrow.
hey, theres always tomorrow.

Hey dude, what's you mailing address...i wanna send something...