I'm sooooooo excited to show you guys what just came in the mail today.
My new Wacom 13HD Cintiq tablet. I have been an owner of an older version of Cintiq, cable started breaking, colors fading, so I managed to save some money and buy myself a new tablet.
As I'm not sure how many of you know I'm a digital artist and my full time job is retouching, and that has been for the past 8 years now. Christmas came earlier and I'm swirling around in joy. Just wanted to share!
Love u guys <3
P.S. Meet my cat, Tombi. I'll tell you his little story and what exactly his name means in an other blog post.
Cute kitty. Where can we see your art? Got a website?
Love my tablet. I do a lot of restorations and editing. Its an older wacom but i cant do without.