Hurrah, I've finally finished my first proper piece in about a year. I can't believe how smottly it went considering. I hope this help cure my artistic block for a while. I really need to get some more stuff out. I have a little lacivious piece I'm doing for FHM which might get me some more stuff if im lucky (fingers crossed).
My housemate was very upset yesterday, I'd recently lent him my HardDrive so he could copy the latest ep's of Battlestar Gallactica. It obviously wasn't enough for him because he went snooping around to see what else he could nick off it. The poor bugger copied my 'artists' folder with the depraved works of japanese hentai artists like Beke, Machine Henmauru and Hidiaki Mimisaka in there, I think he had the equivelent of about 6 months exposure to 4chan compressed into 1/2 hour. His mind will be irreversibly fucked from the experience, but it serves him right for being a nosy little bitch

My housemate was very upset yesterday, I'd recently lent him my HardDrive so he could copy the latest ep's of Battlestar Gallactica. It obviously wasn't enough for him because he went snooping around to see what else he could nick off it. The poor bugger copied my 'artists' folder with the depraved works of japanese hentai artists like Beke, Machine Henmauru and Hidiaki Mimisaka in there, I think he had the equivelent of about 6 months exposure to 4chan compressed into 1/2 hour. His mind will be irreversibly fucked from the experience, but it serves him right for being a nosy little bitch

Holding thumbs you'll get lots more work with FHM!!
Haha -- depraved is the word -- love it