so yeah, MMA is going well is suppose, but not as well as i want it to be. still having trouble with fixing and setting up a good work and sleep schedule. but tell yah the truth i could really go for a girlfriend and i would be happy for a while as long as this CAD Designer gig works out. so any takers that live near me, let me know that your interested in the dating/BF+GF thing.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 03, 2012
So yeah, still playing out my massive addiction to SWTOR. Which is … -
Friday Jan 06, 2012
Alright so its a new year, meh, but this is a year of my life that is… -
Monday Nov 21, 2011
It took a stupid 45 minutes, but dammit I shaved. That is all. P… -
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Ok nothing truelly new with my life, but need to get back to practici… -
Tuesday Jul 05, 2011
Well, I keep saying I should write a blog more often, and well, I thi… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2011
Man, I started playing tennis again, and now I am losing weight again… -
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Alright, sorry this has been a while, so technically first blog of 20… -
Tuesday Nov 09, 2010
Ok real short blog this time, but I need to express my appreciation a… -
Friday Oct 15, 2010
Ok so its been a looooooonnnnnngggggg time since I wrote on this thin… -
Friday Apr 30, 2010
Ok, realize its been a good while since I last wrote my thoughts o…