Hey there
So, I've been absent from here for awhile now. Re-thinking things and planning another set... wondering if it will ever get shot. The hubby wants to shoot it but, it's like pulling teeth trying to get it all together. And I know he will be hurt if I go to someone else to shoot another one. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Took out one of my nipple rings, put on some weight, thinking about more ink, definitely getting more piercings. Thinking about going back to school. Def gonna get my certificate to substitute teach... though I'm not sure any schools would let me through the door LOL. Might get a degree in History, so I can finally achieve the dream of working in a museum, maybe be an archivist. Or a preservationist. I love being a nerd!
Found a place to go riding at, hoping I can refresh my training abilities. Working with animals rocks! books and animals... much prefered over working in customer service
Planning our next trip. We plan on backpacking through Europe for his next block leave.
Dying to get a puppy also. I want a lab, yellow perhaps. Lost my train of thought. I'll pick up later

Took out one of my nipple rings, put on some weight, thinking about more ink, definitely getting more piercings. Thinking about going back to school. Def gonna get my certificate to substitute teach... though I'm not sure any schools would let me through the door LOL. Might get a degree in History, so I can finally achieve the dream of working in a museum, maybe be an archivist. Or a preservationist. I love being a nerd!
Found a place to go riding at, hoping I can refresh my training abilities. Working with animals rocks! books and animals... much prefered over working in customer service

Dying to get a puppy also. I want a lab, yellow perhaps. Lost my train of thought. I'll pick up later