I am so SICK of being sick. I'll be fine, running errands, hanging out with friends, having a good time, then BAM, nauseous. After i dry heave a little, I get these migraines. I've had migraines before, but the nausea always came after and only when they were really really bad. I've had a headache for 2 weeks now... ibuprofen is my friend! and Excedrin. I usually pop 3 of good 'ol IB in the morning and then a couple Excedrin during the day. My poor coworkers let me have the lights off when I'm at work. It's the nausea thats killin' me tho. ANYWAYS... I've been having fun taking pics of myself... seeing as how I've been getting bored without ma around (her bf is visiting) so I figure I can share a couple LOL. Lemme know what you think by the way, I live on the net now, waiting for the hubby to get off convoys and talk. Oh, and Nyquil fucking ROCKS! I slept like a log last night! I was thinking of finding myself someone who would be willing to make a vid with me for my hubby for his b day. Hehe, he'd have a heart attcak me thinks
Me and another girl is apparently his ultimate fantasy... and who doesn't like kissing (hehe, or more) a beautiful gal?!
hehehe, I love thigh high socks, bestest invention EVER!
I love you SGs and staff.... maybe my set could go live for my b day
at least a girl can dream right?

hehehe, I love thigh high socks, bestest invention EVER!

I love you SGs and staff.... maybe my set could go live for my b day

it seems like pleasing your man is at the top of ur list of things to do hats off to ya. I think the video idea is a great idea it is a step in the right direction of a possible 3 some but without him actually touching someone else I think it is a little to soon for that so every one wins. If only I was a hot girl. What ever u do I am sure he will love it then again who wouldn't. I am sure ur hubby is thinkin I have myself a keeper!! u go just make sure u post the video so us not so fortunate can njoy
There is no giving up on the horizon, I promise you that! I will simply refer to something a friend told me a while ago... "If in doubt, delegate!"