People annoy me sometimes. How does someone get it in their head that they are smarter, wiser, BETTER than someone else? It's caused me to re-evaluate my friends. I'm sorry, but if a person cannot support me and my hubby, they can go fuck themselves. I feel like an ass too with how much I stood up for said friend with Ben. I guess I just had to learn that he has good instincts. Other than that, life is grand! The new apartment is awesome, I really love having a shower again LOL. Mom's coming back from her month long vacation. I got to talk to Ben all day the other day. I am a happy girl. I'm back down to one job, and it feels good! We are going to the nutcracker on the 26th, and I get to get all gussied up. All the movies I've been looking forward to are coming out. I absolutely cannot wait for my love to come home, for us to start our life together, having fun, traveling Europe.. just being together!
It's a good life.

It's a good life.