So it's been a bit since my last post and such. I still haven't gotten the images back from the photographer that I worked with last but he did tell me in text the other day that they should be done and mailed to me this week. YAY!!!!
In the mean time, I took some pretty spectacular pictures of myself a couple weeks ago

A couple weekends ago now... me, Ryker, 666thelegend and CaptainBackfire went to the aquarium. It was a pretty decent time

Nothing really spectacular has been going on recently actually. I lead a very boring life most of the time... I'm looking forward to mother's day though.... I'm going to the Baltimore Tattoo Convention with my lil one and some friends
I'm excited about that. Other than that... I mean.. I do have my " night job "..... which I am going to shamelessly promote right now hahaha Don't look if you don't want too 
In the mean time, I took some pretty spectacular pictures of myself a couple weeks ago

A couple weekends ago now... me, Ryker, 666thelegend and CaptainBackfire went to the aquarium. It was a pretty decent time

Nothing really spectacular has been going on recently actually. I lead a very boring life most of the time... I'm looking forward to mother's day though.... I'm going to the Baltimore Tattoo Convention with my lil one and some friends

Soo yea... and I'd love it if I had more friends and such on twitter........ Twitter friends...... kandidreams1
Twitter request sent!