Joan Jett is the ultimate leather-clad, punk-rock icon. Her early hits were instrumental to the evolution of punk rock, and especially to its crossover into mainstream music. After over 25 years in the business, this bad ass composer is still rocking out with her band, The Blackhearts. I got a chance to talk with Jett about their latest album, Sinner, while she was out on the road with the Warped Tour.
Buy Sinner
Daniel Robert Epstein: What made you want to go on the Warped Tour?
Joan Jett: Nothing made me. Its the music I love, grew up listening to and a punk rock festival. Who wouldnt want to play that?
DRE: How did you decide to cover Paul Westerbergs Androgynous?
Joan: Ive been a big Replacements fan for a long time and I just thought it was a very sweet song. I like the way he approached the subject. Im very happy being a woman but I am not happy with the roles that are dictated for women about how they can be and how they can dress and what they can look like. So I can relate to something like Androgynous because Im somebody who blurs the line a little bit when it comes to those issues of gender. Im sure Im not the only one that feels that way. I know for a fact because Ive spoken to people about it. Its just something I wanted to talk about.
DRE: Do you think those roles have advanced or changed since you first started out?
Joan: Maybe very slightlynot really no. In a certain community youre allowed to dress and act a certain way but once you step outside into the regular world, youre judged very harshly. So I dont think its changed. If youre in the punk rock community, then most people arent going to say much about how you dress or look. When you step outside that into the regular world, its certainly going to be different.
DRE: The song Everybody Knows is about bondage gear. Are you into that?
Joan: Well I wear a lot of leather. The song is really about being judged for wearing leather.
DRE: Have you gotten more or less into leather over the years?
Joan: Its about the same. On a day like today, Im not going to be wearing much leather. Its 102 degrees in Boston so Im going the bathing suit route today.
DRE: How was it having Kathleen Hanna on the album?
Joan: Shes an amazing talent in her own right, singer, songwriter and I loved writing with her. I thought it was just a really incredible experience. She writes differently than I do, so it forced me to adjust and I think thats really good and very healthy.
DRE: I understand that youre re-releasing the entire Blackhearts catalog.
Joan: Yes. Its 25 years of Blackhearts Records and we wanted to celebrate by remastering all the old records.
DRE: Howd you like listening to all the older stuff?
Joan: Sometimes its hard for me to listen to myself, but everything sounds awesome. We had everything remastered by the guy who did Imagine, so everything sounds really incredible. I think the fans will really enjoy it.
DRE: Has running your label gotten harder over the years?
Joan: I dont really do the day to day operation. I spend most of my time out on the road. But Ive got a great team of people that handle Blackheart Records stuff day to day. Certain parts are easier to handle but other ones get more difficult. At least were at a point now where were able to put some other bands on our label and release their material as well.
DRE: Do you still like playing your earlier hits live?
Joan: I totally enjoy it. You really have to make it new every day. You see people enjoying what youre doing, so thats the fun in it and thats what makes it new and fresh every day.
DRE: A lot of people perceive you as a feminist icon. Do you feel its important to use that responsibility?
Joan: Sometimes I have trouble with the labels because people throw these things out and I dont really know what they mean. I just go out and deal with people every day and if they look up to you and see you as a role model, thats great. As far as a feminist icon, I dont really know how to answer that.
DRE: Does it make you feel that you need to act a certain way?
Joan: I just try to be myself which is what theyre looking for me to be. I try to reinforce their own dreams for them to go for it and not to be afraid.
DRE: I read that every time the Runaways get together to do something again Lita Ford walks out. Is that true?
Joan: Ive been there for just one of her walk outs. I get along really good with all the girls and have no issues, but I also have no desire to do a reunion at all. I never have. In the end if they convince Lita, then theyre going to have to convince me. I have no interest. I dont understand why people would want us to do it unless it was to make fun of us. I was there the first time. I know what its about.
DRE: Do you listen to a lot of new music?
Joan: If Im turned on to something. I listen to a lot of stuff I grew up listening to. Actually doing Warped Tour I get to listen to a lot of new stuff. Its probably the most new stuff Ive listened to in years and Im having a blast. Every band out here is great.
DRE: What kind of bands do you look for to sign to your label?
Joan: I put no parameters on it. Its got to reach me in my gut. Im not one of these people who go, We need this or that or this or that. If it strikes me and its something I want to listen to, then Ill want to sign it but I cant give parameters.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
SG Username: AndersWolleck
Buy Sinner
Daniel Robert Epstein: What made you want to go on the Warped Tour?
Joan Jett: Nothing made me. Its the music I love, grew up listening to and a punk rock festival. Who wouldnt want to play that?
DRE: How did you decide to cover Paul Westerbergs Androgynous?
Joan: Ive been a big Replacements fan for a long time and I just thought it was a very sweet song. I like the way he approached the subject. Im very happy being a woman but I am not happy with the roles that are dictated for women about how they can be and how they can dress and what they can look like. So I can relate to something like Androgynous because Im somebody who blurs the line a little bit when it comes to those issues of gender. Im sure Im not the only one that feels that way. I know for a fact because Ive spoken to people about it. Its just something I wanted to talk about.
DRE: Do you think those roles have advanced or changed since you first started out?
Joan: Maybe very slightlynot really no. In a certain community youre allowed to dress and act a certain way but once you step outside into the regular world, youre judged very harshly. So I dont think its changed. If youre in the punk rock community, then most people arent going to say much about how you dress or look. When you step outside that into the regular world, its certainly going to be different.
DRE: The song Everybody Knows is about bondage gear. Are you into that?
Joan: Well I wear a lot of leather. The song is really about being judged for wearing leather.
DRE: Have you gotten more or less into leather over the years?
Joan: Its about the same. On a day like today, Im not going to be wearing much leather. Its 102 degrees in Boston so Im going the bathing suit route today.
DRE: How was it having Kathleen Hanna on the album?
Joan: Shes an amazing talent in her own right, singer, songwriter and I loved writing with her. I thought it was just a really incredible experience. She writes differently than I do, so it forced me to adjust and I think thats really good and very healthy.
DRE: I understand that youre re-releasing the entire Blackhearts catalog.
Joan: Yes. Its 25 years of Blackhearts Records and we wanted to celebrate by remastering all the old records.
DRE: Howd you like listening to all the older stuff?
Joan: Sometimes its hard for me to listen to myself, but everything sounds awesome. We had everything remastered by the guy who did Imagine, so everything sounds really incredible. I think the fans will really enjoy it.
DRE: Has running your label gotten harder over the years?
Joan: I dont really do the day to day operation. I spend most of my time out on the road. But Ive got a great team of people that handle Blackheart Records stuff day to day. Certain parts are easier to handle but other ones get more difficult. At least were at a point now where were able to put some other bands on our label and release their material as well.
DRE: Do you still like playing your earlier hits live?
Joan: I totally enjoy it. You really have to make it new every day. You see people enjoying what youre doing, so thats the fun in it and thats what makes it new and fresh every day.
DRE: A lot of people perceive you as a feminist icon. Do you feel its important to use that responsibility?
Joan: Sometimes I have trouble with the labels because people throw these things out and I dont really know what they mean. I just go out and deal with people every day and if they look up to you and see you as a role model, thats great. As far as a feminist icon, I dont really know how to answer that.
DRE: Does it make you feel that you need to act a certain way?
Joan: I just try to be myself which is what theyre looking for me to be. I try to reinforce their own dreams for them to go for it and not to be afraid.
DRE: I read that every time the Runaways get together to do something again Lita Ford walks out. Is that true?
Joan: Ive been there for just one of her walk outs. I get along really good with all the girls and have no issues, but I also have no desire to do a reunion at all. I never have. In the end if they convince Lita, then theyre going to have to convince me. I have no interest. I dont understand why people would want us to do it unless it was to make fun of us. I was there the first time. I know what its about.
DRE: Do you listen to a lot of new music?
Joan: If Im turned on to something. I listen to a lot of stuff I grew up listening to. Actually doing Warped Tour I get to listen to a lot of new stuff. Its probably the most new stuff Ive listened to in years and Im having a blast. Every band out here is great.
DRE: What kind of bands do you look for to sign to your label?
Joan: I put no parameters on it. Its got to reach me in my gut. Im not one of these people who go, We need this or that or this or that. If it strikes me and its something I want to listen to, then Ill want to sign it but I cant give parameters.
by Daniel Robert Epstein
SG Username: AndersWolleck
I just got the cd Sinner for my bday (thanks Issue_!) And my love for Joan just grows and grows...
I heart Joan!