While the snow falls...Last night was interesting to say the least. Mike and I went to Connor O'Neils, an Irish Pub downtown for their "Anti-Valentine's Day Partay". Damn, that place was pact! Tons of fun and an "out-of-character" night/morning to say the least blush ARRR!!!

Lemuria and Andy woulda been proud as I started and finished the night with a JAGER BOMB!!! (they don't make 'em as...
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What's up bro. I see you applied to SGColorado. Typically we like to meet people before we let them into the group. You should come hang out with us next week. On Mondays we usually go to a bar, and this Thursday we're going to get coffee.

Let me know if you can make it into Denver on either one of those days and I'll give you more info.
Yes, I know Chris through the lovely Lani. They're some of the raddest people I know.
We will certainly have to get together soon. Are there any good shows coming up?
So I am back from the WB with a vengeance! I came back to Boulder with a whirlwind of stuff to straighten out, namely a huge A&P exam, copious reading, and bills. Nonetheless, I am stoked I took the time to visit NEPA and that everyone was so welcoming and cool, especially the lovely Lemuria and Andy. A lot of the same places/experiences have impacted...
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smile what a fun journal this is. first off let me tell you our funny colorado hot spring story. this man we met at the hostel in new mexico was from hungary and was pretty burley. he said one night whilst traveling through colorado he and his friends decided to sit in some springs and have a few beers. well, (not sure how much of this is true from now on but nonetheless, its a fun story) he said a bear came over and sat with them in the spring for awhile! nuts! eeek
right now im listening to bjork possibly maybe, calcutta remix. which i had no idea was on our computer and im glad i found it. (ps. andy is dying for an ipod!!) smile what inspires me to rise above is to know many other people have it much worse. (geez, i guess im not really sure what you mean because all i can think about is the straight edge tattoos that say that. its hard to stay focused sometimes. meditation. now im listening to a beastie boys bjork remix. weird again. i miss the vortex too and have been on a big wanting to travel kick now. i think we are going to seattle in may. biggrin not sure what the weekend plans for this weekend are, i wanted to go back to kov and take pictures in philly, but its supposed to snow hardcore here starting tomorrow. not healing from any physical wounds as of late. feel the need to be tattooed very very soon though. and my throats sore so ive been taking some vitamins. but mentally i will "keep on keeping on" smile have an awesome weekend.
hooty hoo! we got our package a la cds today. thank you very much from the both of us. and happy valentines day. kiss
Wow! This is surreal I tell ya. I can't sit still, can't catch my breath, can't stop thinking about tomorrow. I hope I don't faint when I land in Allentown PA..."Sir, Sir...excuse me Sir. Are you alright? We've landed in Allentown!"

So what do I pack:
1) smelling salts
2) helmet (if I faint)...lol
3) change of jeans (if I pee myself)
4) Fragrance Free...
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What a trip...
I was just gonna stop to see if you were back yet. I just updated my journal and checked my last one and saw that you stopped by.
Glad you made it back safe and in one peice.

yep, half is correctomundo. we didnt show you our funny fire door did we? in our living room there is a door. the door opens into nothingness. i guess if youre real adventurous you could jump onto the building next door wink it sucks because it would be great in the warm weather to open it up but then kevin might try escaping or fall in between the buildings. (again, really, she fell got loose the first day we got her and she ran outside and fell in between the buildings and scaled her way back up the ivy and ran into the house, never to escape again.hahah) woah that was a bunch of pointless info.
oh, but guess who ive seen on tv the last three or four days? freaking the boss! hahaha. biggrin
Lost in Heaven

The clouds, the source of rain, one stormy night
Offered an opening to the source of dew;
Which I accepted with impatient sight,
Looking for my old sky-marks in the blue.

But stars were scarce in that part of the sky,
And no two were of the same constellation-
No one was bright enough to identify;
So 'twas with not ungrateful consternation,...
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biggrin hahah. if you faint like she does, man, im bringing smelling salts. biggrin thank you so much for the kind words and positive vibes. kiss support is always a good thing. smile and i know what you mean about it feeling like a reunion, well kind of...but i do..i definitely think the whole thing seems familiar and awesomely star fated scrumptiousness!! haha heres a weird thing, im drinking a wine right now called fat bastard! hahahha biggrin hoping youre having a nice weekend. biggrin
ask clytie about her awesome leg and foot tattoos i gave her sunday night. wink thats what she gets for falling asleep on her bestest friend without saying good night. beware of the masked sleep tattooer. hahahah biggrin

In the thick of a teeming snowfall
I saw my shadow on snow.
I turned and looked back up at the sky,
Where we still look to ask the why
Of everything below.

If I shed such darkness,
If the reason was in me,
That shadow of mine should show in form
Against the shapeless shadow of storm,
How swarthy I must be.

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holy moly. do you realize feb second is soon? like really really soon? i just noticed this morning while talking with andy that its next week!!! eeek i think i had the squealy giggliness of a sixteen year old girl the other night too. fun times. smile also, check andy out here. biggrin
What happens then?
February 2nd or bust!!!

What's then?!!!!
i wont tell her your secret. hahah.
yes, he does awesome script if you ask me. he said to find as many examples you can of the lettering you want and bring it with you. then he will go from there. smile
enjoy your day outside. its actually warm here today too. eeek
Got ya back! big sign says: FEB 2ND OR BUST!!!!!!!!!!
That's an amazing back piece. Have a great weekend!
Ahhhh shit...I am so proud of my friends in Bleeding Through!!! Their new album "THE TRUTH" is in stores Tues 1.10.06 check it out here:THE TRUTH Then just select their album at the top and check here for upcoming tour dates

In other news...I am officially single. Broken hearted for now, but single. D and I were together for a year and a half,...
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So I just now got a chance to look through all your pics. You and your friends know how to have a good time--outside!!

I've taken the realllllly long road to nursing school. Coming from a medical family (dad/stepdad physicians, 2 uncles physicians, 1 uncle dentist, grandpa physician, mom respiratory therapist) I was fully expected to have a medical degree by 25. I was born to rebel, though and fell in love and got married before finishing school.

Along the way, I did get a job as an Infection Control analyst in a local hospital. Now they are putting me through school to get my RN or BSN. In California, getting into nursing school is very very competitive. If I get into the 2-year program, I'll go, if I get in the BSN program, I'll go. RN to BSN programs are available everywhere as well so I'm just moving forward with my prereqs and I'll see where everything settles in the end.

Someday I hope to maybe be a nurse midwife and follow in my daddy's footsteps (ob/gyn). I think I could actually impact some lives in rural/mountain areas with that type of background. Someday Chalko and I intend to get out of the city, so I'm always thinking in terms of where my career can keep me busy.

Your accellerated program sounds pretty brutal, but you'll have your RN in 1 year, right? Sounds pretty good. hmmm...
thanks for the link to those laundry products, well actually everything on that site looks awesome! thanks. and i was wondering if you have ever been climbing in new mexico or arizona, and if so, where? i love those states! and im not sure if clytie asked you this yet or not, but is that huge white stupa in colorado in boulder or denver? i had a brochure about it when i was in denver but i lost it and i would love to go there. smile
Happy New Year!
It's nice being home in my own space and chillin with the kitty. I was on the road last night driving back to Tampa from VA, but I got plenty of celebrating and debauchery in on Friday night with my mom, bro, and sis at The Tavern which was built in 1779!!! They also have the finest German beers ON TAP!!! I...
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broken up for real this time? i think that's going to be a really good thing for you. you don't need anyone toying with your heart. i hope you have an excellent day. very peaceful. where none of the fears are too big to confront and deal with.
Nice to meet you. Chalko has told me a bit about you. Fellow outdoorsman I hear. Colorado sounds beautiful.
Ok, I've had enough of the shopping...International Mall was hecka packed w/little parking, but I'm basically done. After the madness Mom and I headed over to the Tampa MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry) for their "Bodies" exhibit.

Twas fantabulous! Very surreal, even comforting. They replace bodily fluids with a polymer, which preserves the bodies sans stinkyass formaldehyde (In A&P dissection/cadaver labs, the formaldehyde stinch...
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(In A&P dissection/cadaver labs, the formaldehyde stinch turns the stomach more than the dissections themselves)

I heard that's pretty nasty stuff. Chalka,s been going to school to get her nursing degree and told me how bad it is. I can only imagine. puke

Wowyou do some serious climbing! Thats too cool.
20 minutes from Tahoe, hmmm. Ill have to check that out. Free camping is always nice. Were going to Tahoe this Friday to see my dad for Christmas. He just called last night. Theres still hardly any snow. This last storm just dumped some slush on the ground. Were still praying for more snow.

YaIve seen 3 different doctors now. They havent been much help. Must be nice to get paid all that money just to pass out antibiotics for any problem that comes along. (which is what theyre not supposed to do.) It sucks to wait a good 30 minutes to see your doctor then another 5-10 minutes in the room before they come in just to rush you right back out the door with a prescription. Oh wellat least I have medical coverage.
My leg is doing much better. Its finally starting to scab over. (after five weeks of craziness)

Thanks bro

Strawberry is a cool little place. I think Im gonna have to check that place out when I get some more money in the pocket. Thanks for the link.

Good luck with the rest of school and have a great holiday with the fam.
