I GOT INTO SCHOOL!!! OMFG!!! Hellsyess! I will start Regis University in early January of '07 and it's an accelerated BSN, so I'll be finished in December!!! They said they'd let me know my status in the summer and I opened the mail box yesterday after a day of fishing (no luck there) and BAM there it was! So unexpected!
I'm on cloud 9 to...
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I'm on cloud 9 to...
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The winds are blowing, the sun sets farther north, and the cedars are definitely blooming
. So, I'd say spring has sprung
! I look forward to days spent climbing, being shielded by spf50, the farmers market, sleeping outside, nakedness, cool nights, and... more climbing :arrgh:
The truth is, I am not completely stoked as of yet to climb...I was due about two weeks ago,...
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The truth is, I am not completely stoked as of yet to climb...I was due about two weeks ago,...
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hahha i had to come back just to see what places i was talking about. hhahahah
funny story having to do with the same thing sort of...
when i was at my moms we found one of those breath tester things they give you at the hospital. (the one with the tube connected)it used to be my dads and i used to love seeing how much air i had when i was little. so me and my niece (shes 21, i think you met her at the shop that one night.)stood next to each other in front of it to test our lung power... anywho, she did it then i wanted to try again...i suck in a bunch of air and what do i do???
I FUCKING HOLD IT IN??? hahahahh i thought we were going to pee our pants we were laughing so hard!! did somebody say hookahthinkingmuch? hahaha
and ps. i dont know how i got OFF my yoga kick a few months ago. oh wait, yes i do freaking jagerbombs!!!
[Edited on Apr 07, 2006 7:46PM]

funny story having to do with the same thing sort of...
when i was at my moms we found one of those breath tester things they give you at the hospital. (the one with the tube connected)it used to be my dads and i used to love seeing how much air i had when i was little. so me and my niece (shes 21, i think you met her at the shop that one night.)stood next to each other in front of it to test our lung power... anywho, she did it then i wanted to try again...i suck in a bunch of air and what do i do???
I FUCKING HOLD IT IN??? hahahahh i thought we were going to pee our pants we were laughing so hard!! did somebody say hookahthinkingmuch? hahaha

and ps. i dont know how i got OFF my yoga kick a few months ago. oh wait, yes i do freaking jagerbombs!!!

[Edited on Apr 07, 2006 7:46PM]
She should have called! Her loss.
Maybe missing D means something?
Well- good luck either way...
Maybe missing D means something?
Well- good luck either way...

next youre going to tell me your neighbor is listening to modest mouse! then i would have to jump through the screen and punch you in the face! hahaha
and i almost peed my pants when i read the atreyu=andy comment! hahaha. i gotta find one of those snake necklaces for him to wear.

man i feel like a stalker but i just got andy at work and started to tell him that you remind him of atreyu and he said "fuck him! thats crazy. thats who he reminds me of and i was going to say that when we found that book the other day." hahhha. you two think alike!! he says thats so funny to him and now he is really wanting to go to colorado.

klaaaaaaaasic is like vlaaaaasic pickles! ahhahaha.
have fun on your vacation. and good question when we are coming to visit...hopefully soon? hopefully when the weather is good? we need a vacation. (really only andy does but i will pretend i need one too)

ps...this may be a silly question, but you never know...is it cheaper to fly into denver than boulder? is there even an airport in boulder?

Tomorrow is the last day of classes before the ol' spring break
. I wasn't planning on doing a whole lot of anything, until
a new friend, Vanessa (total cutie), and I started talking about how much fun it would be to tour Colorado for a few days.
Plans are still in the works, but so far the tour starts Tuesday @ Strawberry Park outside...
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Plans are still in the works, but so far the tour starts Tuesday @ Strawberry Park outside...
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you have something against frogs?
if you'd let them come, i'm sure they'd eat the bugs...
if you'd let them come, i'm sure they'd eat the bugs...

Fucking thank you!

I just got home from seeing V for Vendetta, and oh my fucking God was it incredible!!!
I read some reviews yesterday whilst in the sauna in both the Daily Camera and the Colorado Daily that pretty much slammed the movie. Were they completely off base or what?
There's always a hidden bias, and those newspapers are pretty fucking conservative to say the very...
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I read some reviews yesterday whilst in the sauna in both the Daily Camera and the Colorado Daily that pretty much slammed the movie. Were they completely off base or what?

There's always a hidden bias, and those newspapers are pretty fucking conservative to say the very...
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So hey...
I joined this camping/backpacking group a couple months ago (here on SG). I had to subscribe as a member and they never got back to me. I was about to give up and start my own group, but when I got home tonight, Whammo!!! There it was. They excepted me. Apparently the one who started it said she's not mean, just absent minded. I guess I'll cut her some slack, eh?
Anyway...you should check it out. I haven't had a chance to browse through it yet, but I'm about to.
Here's the link...
I joined this camping/backpacking group a couple months ago (here on SG). I had to subscribe as a member and they never got back to me. I was about to give up and start my own group, but when I got home tonight, Whammo!!! There it was. They excepted me. Apparently the one who started it said she's not mean, just absent minded. I guess I'll cut her some slack, eh?
Anyway...you should check it out. I haven't had a chance to browse through it yet, but I'm about to.
Here's the link...
That looks killer. Let me know how it is. And def. take some pics!!!
I've been dying to find some nice hot springs. I know where a few are but they cost alot of money and they are far away. I should just go for it.
My dad...hmm...
I think he is telling me some untruths, like how he said they are trying to get him out of there by Friday. There's no way that will happen. I'm starting to wonder if they're giving him some kind of medication that's not working for him or if he is starting to (dare I say) lose his mind, I hope not. I hope he's just being overly optimistic. I know he doesn't want to be there, who would, and I know he's been lonely for a long time, I just hope he can keep it together!!!!!!!!
I'm feeling pretty depresed about it right now, my eyes keep welling up and I got a lump in the back of my throat. I hate this!!! I think I need to smoke a joint or have a drink, or both.
I still have to call him tonight.
I've been dying to find some nice hot springs. I know where a few are but they cost alot of money and they are far away. I should just go for it.
My dad...hmm...
I think he is telling me some untruths, like how he said they are trying to get him out of there by Friday. There's no way that will happen. I'm starting to wonder if they're giving him some kind of medication that's not working for him or if he is starting to (dare I say) lose his mind, I hope not. I hope he's just being overly optimistic. I know he doesn't want to be there, who would, and I know he's been lonely for a long time, I just hope he can keep it together!!!!!!!!
I'm feeling pretty depresed about it right now, my eyes keep welling up and I got a lump in the back of my throat. I hate this!!! I think I need to smoke a joint or have a drink, or both.
I still have to call him tonight.
My Mom is doing so much better
. Our family and friends have rallied and have all been taking care of her. And thank you all for the thoughtful messages and warm wishes!!! I may go back to Tampa in a few weeks, we'll see. Today she's going back to the neurologist for some follow up tests. Otherwise, she's doing great considering her imitation of...
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hey you. i'm glad your mom's doing better. and crushes is a good, good thing.

climbing seems... complicated. but cool.
good days... are good. obviously. sleeping in... mmm. even though i could need to go up before 10 am sometime.
good days... are good. obviously. sleeping in... mmm. even though i could need to go up before 10 am sometime.

Wow, what a week!!! So, Central Coast, California and celebrating my sister's 40th with the fam was a blast. Our time together passed to quickly, nonetheless it was awesome! More about the trip later though...
Last night my Mom got into a horrible car accident in Tampa. Thank God she's ok, but pretty banged up and out of it. She was clipped by another car...
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Last night my Mom got into a horrible car accident in Tampa. Thank God she's ok, but pretty banged up and out of it. She was clipped by another car...
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How is your mom?
What time do they play? I have to work til 9-ish, but I totally want to come.
Last week was an intense one to say the very least...
My ever sweet and gracious friend, Lemuria lost her Mother to cancer a week ago today. I never met her, but how strong and graceful she sounds. She was thoughtful of others while exuding positivity throughout her battle with cancer, which spanned years. Lemuria, you reminded me of the importance of strength and...
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My ever sweet and gracious friend, Lemuria lost her Mother to cancer a week ago today. I never met her, but how strong and graceful she sounds. She was thoughtful of others while exuding positivity throughout her battle with cancer, which spanned years. Lemuria, you reminded me of the importance of strength and...
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have a good one!
Thank you, I can't wait to do my next one. you're welcome
Ooh-ooh, I like it...tits so cold still, can't say that I like that, but the wings are almost finished. A quill on each side and some final "tightening" will complete the project. My next appointment w/ Jef isn't till mid-March though
Currently, I am taking a break from studying as I ooze black ink and stain my lovely shirt. My week end will consist...
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Currently, I am taking a break from studying as I ooze black ink and stain my lovely shirt. My week end will consist...
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my paper is about climate change and the US government's (in)action regarding the research done...i used to be so great at papers...and now i fail it seems! i'm almost sort-ofish done now maybe....
good luck with your school work/procrastination as well!

good luck with your school work/procrastination as well!
That's a good 6 hours from us. If I had a vacation coming, I'd say lets meet half way, like in Santa Cruz. But I just can't swing that right now. Oh well...Maybe next time.
I just got home from getting Chalka from school. Her car died and I had to go rescue her. Some rescue I was...It was raining so hard when I got there that when I got back in my truck and took my wallet out, I actually poured water out of it. The stupid cables got crossed and blew a fuse, so we had to leave her car over night. I will get a new fuse tomorrow. Hopefully it will be okay overnight there.
But when we got home and peeled off our cloths, it made for some really good wet body sex.
I guess I should go put some cloths on now.HAHA!!!
Like you needed to here that!!!
I just got home from getting Chalka from school. Her car died and I had to go rescue her. Some rescue I was...It was raining so hard when I got there that when I got back in my truck and took my wallet out, I actually poured water out of it. The stupid cables got crossed and blew a fuse, so we had to leave her car over night. I will get a new fuse tomorrow. Hopefully it will be okay overnight there.
But when we got home and peeled off our cloths, it made for some really good wet body sex.

I guess I should go put some cloths on now.HAHA!!!

pabst. i like that word. im fond of words with a bunch of consanants. (is that the word?)
and i tell you, as soon as this weekend is over and the house is sold, we are outta here! andy just needs to take time off work and we will be good to go. we be ballin! haha
happy holidays.