In the thick of a teeming snowfall
I saw my shadow on snow.
I turned and looked back up at the sky,
Where we still look to ask the why
Of everything below.
If I shed such darkness,
If the reason was in me,
That shadow of mine should show in form
Against the shapeless shadow of storm,
How swarthy I must be.
I turned and looked back upward.
The whole sky was blue;
And the thick flakes floating at a pause
Were but frost knots on an airy gauze,
With the sun shining through.
-Robert Frost 1936
...Feb. 2nd or Bust!
In the thick of a teeming snowfall
I saw my shadow on snow.
I turned and looked back up at the sky,
Where we still look to ask the why
Of everything below.
If I shed such darkness,
If the reason was in me,
That shadow of mine should show in form
Against the shapeless shadow of storm,
How swarthy I must be.
I turned and looked back upward.
The whole sky was blue;
And the thick flakes floating at a pause
Were but frost knots on an airy gauze,
With the sun shining through.
-Robert Frost 1936
...Feb. 2nd or Bust!
holy moly. do you realize feb second is soon? like really really soon? i just noticed this morning while talking with andy that its next week!!!
i think i had the squealy giggliness of a sixteen year old girl the other night too. fun times.
also, check andy out here.

What happens then?