I haven't been to this area of SG in ages. I haven't missed any of our beautiful girls and their sets, but I have been slacking here. Oh man! What a year this has been. I am so close to being finished. Only 6 weeks left with graduation on December 14!!! I'll finish Psych this week then on to Practicum. Has anyone seen the Nightmare...
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Oh whatever. You don't know sh*t about f*ck, remember?

Fuck, it's been a while...again. I just got back from an overdue vacation to my hometown of Tampa where I soaked in the sun and drank way too much, but had the time of my life visitin my Mom and friends. I also made a new friend. Boulder is wonderful as the weather and air is just fucking perfect and to my disbelief my allergies...
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guess what i just got today!!!!
happy birthday to you!!!!!

We're back...
Sup Bro
Cold there?.....Ya, it's cold here too.
Your RN by Dec. Wow! How long did it take you total? Jessica is only taking like one or two classes per semester. I wish she would hurry up and become a nurse to take some of the pressure off me. (Financially I mean) My last job was so stressful; I dropped out of my EMT class so I could focus on my work. Boy that was a mistake! I got laid off right before Thanksgiving...just like last year! I know her classes take a certain amount of time, plus she's working part time. I'm just so burned out with my industry. Well, maybe a little disgusted and let down. I don't know! I'm going a little stir crazy watching the kids everyday. All I can think about is being out in the wilderness doing something...or nothing, as long as I'm out there. You know how it is. I've been watching those "survival shows" on tv and been watching some of my old backpacking videos. I can't wait until spring, although I can't look forward to a trip with Jessica because of her leg, at least not this year, but definitely in the future.
Other than that, everything is going okay. We've been spending our evenings in the new hot tub. That's been nice! We both got new tat's over Thanksgiving. She got a cherry blossom on each side of her chest, just below her shoulders. I got one on the back of my thigh; it's in my picture folder.
Backpacking some day? We gotta make it happen...some day. Until then.
Cold there?.....Ya, it's cold here too.
Your RN by Dec. Wow! How long did it take you total? Jessica is only taking like one or two classes per semester. I wish she would hurry up and become a nurse to take some of the pressure off me. (Financially I mean) My last job was so stressful; I dropped out of my EMT class so I could focus on my work. Boy that was a mistake! I got laid off right before Thanksgiving...just like last year! I know her classes take a certain amount of time, plus she's working part time. I'm just so burned out with my industry. Well, maybe a little disgusted and let down. I don't know! I'm going a little stir crazy watching the kids everyday. All I can think about is being out in the wilderness doing something...or nothing, as long as I'm out there. You know how it is. I've been watching those "survival shows" on tv and been watching some of my old backpacking videos. I can't wait until spring, although I can't look forward to a trip with Jessica because of her leg, at least not this year, but definitely in the future.
Other than that, everything is going okay. We've been spending our evenings in the new hot tub. That's been nice! We both got new tat's over Thanksgiving. She got a cherry blossom on each side of her chest, just below her shoulders. I got one on the back of my thigh; it's in my picture folder.
Backpacking some day? We gotta make it happen...some day. Until then.

it was very nice to see a comment from you when i woke up this morning.
lucky you, in florida. hows your mom doing? she still lives there right? ive been doing great!! the summer is coming soon and the warm weather is like crack to me hahaha. actually, i would venture to say that i am the happiest i have ever been in my life right now and the last few months. are you done with school for the year? how did that go? last week was the first time i drank jager since september. how did i drink it so regularly before? that shit gets you fuuuuuuuuuuuucked up! hahahah
enjoy florida and watch out for the sand kicking hippies!!!

enjoy florida and watch out for the sand kicking hippies!!!

I've had a fantastic weekend spent with my friend Ali in Denver. We saw friends play shows Friday and Saturday, and met up with our 303 crew. Lotsa fun, lotsa Jager, even made an appointment to get matching toe-tag tattoos with Ali the day after Jef finishes my wings in July. Mmmm...I can't wait to feel those needles prick...
Really, this is one of the...
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Really, this is one of the...
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robot monkeys will kill you while you sleep.
but since you made me a fave, i may be able to sway them to just beat you up a little instead.
but since you made me a fave, i may be able to sway them to just beat you up a little instead.
this was the weekend for crazy good fun times!! glad to hear you had a good one. also, glad to hear you were so lucky to get jager. do you believe everyone was out of it? crap! thats what that is!! next time im bringing my own bottle. or maybe one of those hats with the straws attached. that might get a bit out of hand, but thats what jagers all about!! wow, let me think about it a second, jager on one side of the hat, boner toner on the other. fuck yeah!!!!
the vegan place sounds great! one way monologues suck!!!!!!! great pictures you added! see clyties journal or mine to see what a fun weekend we had!

Hi everyone!
I'm so sorry I haven't written or been active lately. How are all of you? Doing great I hope! All's well here in Never Never Land. I'm putting a metalcore band together, taking my CNA classes to get certified early next month, hitting the weights, and doing a shit-ton of reading. Unfortunately, the reading is no longer a matter of choice but responsibility....
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I'm so sorry I haven't written or been active lately. How are all of you? Doing great I hope! All's well here in Never Never Land. I'm putting a metalcore band together, taking my CNA classes to get certified early next month, hitting the weights, and doing a shit-ton of reading. Unfortunately, the reading is no longer a matter of choice but responsibility....
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i was wondering what happened to you! all is well in sneekerland. a bit hot and partly boring at times. but there's plenty to look forward. i should really get back to reading as much as i'd like to. instead, i've been sucked into the tv as of the late...shame shame. no reality tv or anything, just the usual programs on at the usual times.
glad to see you're out there and enjoying nature! i need to do that soon!
glad to see you're out there and enjoying nature! i need to do that soon!
Wuz up my happy hiking hipster?!!?
I've got a trip planned in a couple of weeks. It's my annual "car camping" trip. This year is year 19. I've been going on this trip since year three. It's called the "Nature Trail To Hell". That's right 19 years of going in thee woods and loosing a few more brain cells. It started with a hand full of buddies, then progressed to about 50-75 people. Year 10 I had a band come up and play. We've even had DJs. Without getting into too much detail, we have a good time. It starts as early as Wed and goes 'till Monday. This year I can only go up Friday after work. You know, the new job thang.
It'll still be a good time. Next year is year 20. We plan to make it a big blowout. Hopefully bigger then year 10. I'm gonna try to get another band to come up and play. Last year we had a projector, My bro Jason put a bed sheet on the side of his van and we were watching movies at night. It was a trip. Especially when he broke out the porn. Anyway you could make it next year?
I've got a trip planned in a couple of weeks. It's my annual "car camping" trip. This year is year 19. I've been going on this trip since year three. It's called the "Nature Trail To Hell". That's right 19 years of going in thee woods and loosing a few more brain cells. It started with a hand full of buddies, then progressed to about 50-75 people. Year 10 I had a band come up and play. We've even had DJs. Without getting into too much detail, we have a good time. It starts as early as Wed and goes 'till Monday. This year I can only go up Friday after work. You know, the new job thang.


This moment is all we have...a familiar concept, but how often do we forget? I do daily!
The past few days I've had a lot of time to think, read, and spend time with friends...it's been great! Tonight I'm in, reading and savoring some wine..."Block 13" a Pinot from Sonoma County, it's fucking awesome so go buy a bottle and treat yar self...hey, it's memorial...
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The past few days I've had a lot of time to think, read, and spend time with friends...it's been great! Tonight I'm in, reading and savoring some wine..."Block 13" a Pinot from Sonoma County, it's fucking awesome so go buy a bottle and treat yar self...hey, it's memorial...
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that book sounds so familiar to me...hmmmm. i was forgetting that about this moment being all we have. lately ive been better with it though. productive. are you saying you got two messages with andys number? im okay. are you still coming here for the show in september? no big plans for this weekend yet. oh yeah, and thanks for the maynard pictures.
have a wonderful memorial day.

Wow, it seems lke I've been off SG for an eternity! How the hell is everyone? Great, I hope! I'm starting to feel like a human being again, and that's always conducive to having a meaningful life
So who's got big summer plans? I know Chalko and his lady are going camping soon. I'm trying so hard to motivate to go climb, but I'm just...
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So who's got big summer plans? I know Chalko and his lady are going camping soon. I'm trying so hard to motivate to go climb, but I'm just...
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when you think your head is going to explode?!! yeah, total ecstacy!
[Edited on May 19, 2006 10:51AM]

[Edited on May 19, 2006 10:51AM]
Allergies got me al medicated.
Found the head lamps!!!
They were in the bottom of one of our camping boxes.
Found the head lamps!!!


School's got me hectic till Monday. Wish I could be on SG more, but these days have been keeping me super busy. Three finals to go and this semester's over. I can't wait for a break!
Oh, and who's heard the new TOOL? It's amazing and well worth the wait...WOW!
Oh, and who's heard the new TOOL? It's amazing and well worth the wait...WOW!

Word to your mother.

how did the tests go???
our newest plan...drive to colorado. that way we get a fun road trip together and also we could take some way where we go to sedona. i got a new book about sedona and i need to go there like yesterday!!! again, thoughts of moving to what i see as my home are filling my head.
i hope the exams went well.
our newest plan...drive to colorado. that way we get a fun road trip together and also we could take some way where we go to sedona. i got a new book about sedona and i need to go there like yesterday!!! again, thoughts of moving to what i see as my home are filling my head.

I've had two outstanding evenings this week...on Wednesday I met two new friends atThe Shelter in Denver and we had a blast... and last night I was visited by a dark, little stranger on stilts, which made for a warm evening of conversation and libation of vertiginous height...These days the butterfly collection shimmer's in the light, only to return to this meeting place.
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We should collectivly get D-Rock an SG account.
He's not nearly corrupt enough. We should work on that.
There is so much to work on.... so little time.....
He's not nearly corrupt enough. We should work on that.
There is so much to work on.... so little time.....

En marchant au soleil aujourd'hui j'ai pens elle et comment la chaleur brille ci-dessous. La raison a t remue et mon coeur a sautill bat. Oh, la douleur dans la beaut!
J'ai d me concentrer sur les tudes bien que. Ce soir je m'assois dans la fracheur de ma maison, seule. Le Skinny Puppy survivant aux tlphones comme je tape loin....
Mon coeur gurit toujours...
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J'ai d me concentrer sur les tudes bien que. Ce soir je m'assois dans la fracheur de ma maison, seule. Le Skinny Puppy survivant aux tlphones comme je tape loin....
Mon coeur gurit toujours...
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Death wish, do ya?
I have too many cats.. people call me the cat lady.
so don't talk about killing cats....
anyhow.... it was the wings... I'll show you a picture sometime of the wings that should be mine.
I have too many cats.. people call me the cat lady.
so don't talk about killing cats....
anyhow.... it was the wings... I'll show you a picture sometime of the wings that should be mine.
if I forget to ask you tonight...
When did you do the diamond? and which route? Damn that thing scares me....
Always wanted to do petit grepon (sp?)
Hear they made the descent easier.... no idea... someday i'll lead that bitch.
(uh oh... don't tell anyone,.... no no no... won't never ever climb again... not me... no way.... shhhhhh)
When did you do the diamond? and which route? Damn that thing scares me....
Always wanted to do petit grepon (sp?)
Hear they made the descent easier.... no idea... someday i'll lead that bitch.
(uh oh... don't tell anyone,.... no no no... won't never ever climb again... not me... no way.... shhhhhh)