Ok so there's like a peaceful protest against the race war's at Bourke street today at 5pm (fri) should be interesting to see how many turn up and if it all ends in tears, what is this world coming too? One of my breeder friends is about to bring a child into this world, i think she is crazy.... why would you want to bring a child into this world ???
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Monday Jan 30, 2006
Wow i just had the best weekend of my life it starts like this Satu… -
Monday Jan 30, 2006
Wow i just had the best weekend of my life it starts like this Satu… -
Friday Jan 06, 2006
Soo the new years aftermath .... I had a crazy NYE ended up DJ'ing f… -
Wednesday Dec 21, 2005
Ba Humbug!!! -
Friday Dec 16, 2005
I went and saw domino at the movies the other night with mikey rouke … -
Thursday Dec 15, 2005
Ok so there's like a peaceful protest against the race war's at Bourk… -
Tuesday Dec 13, 2005
something bads gonna happen ..... -
Friday Nov 25, 2005
so bored right now -
Friday Nov 04, 2005
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I was at work, scraping back together some of those bashed due to all this crap that;'s been going on...so dumb!
This isn't the bloody Bronx or iraq! i wish people could express themselves less violently..gah!
Doing anything good on the weekend??!
nothing much interesting this weekend went out for a few xmas party's last night have to dj tonight thats about it u ?