- on anddeathsmiled's video
- on user119547201's video
- on shameless's video
- on shameless's video
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Oof ๐
@redkaya you are too sweet love.
Okay so its been a while since i have written anything so lets see if i can make this a good one.
man its been a busy few months and they seem to sail by without me even realizing it. i have not done much but work i am just a slave to the grind and its no fun. i have gone out with some...
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man its been a busy few months and they seem to sail by without me even realizing it. i have not done much but work i am just a slave to the grind and its no fun. i have gone out with some...
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awww!! SUPER CUTE!!!!
DAMN! You look handsome either way, but that picture is very good

ah well where to begin life is busy it seems i am always running around somewhere doing this or that. I cant remember the last time i got to be a blob and actually do nothing, lame i know but when do we get a BREAK its funny to think summer is here and instead of being excited that its time for summer vacation i...
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Flogging Molly
going to their signing and live performance in the City tomorrow so damn excited its on Haight so its bound to be a blast
going to their signing and live performance in the City tomorrow so damn excited its on Haight so its bound to be a blast
OMG. I click on your profile and what's the first thing I see.... Flogging Molly.
You, Sir, are complete win.
You, Sir, are complete win.
twenty four today had a great fucking day. filled with food beer and laughter it was magical and i got way more happy birthdays than i normally get i am feeling pretty good about life right now lets hope it keeps up!
glad to hear you had an awesome day!
The night is too short and the day way too long. I have been in a ranting mood lately and frankly i have bored myself. The world is... well lets just say the world sucks. Sadly i am no activist and i don't see myself blazing the trail of change. i enjoy marching in the opposite direction of the Great Mass but i hardly think...
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Beautiful ๐ธ. Wish I could hear something from you!
This was nine years ago. I still have the guitar but sadly I donโt play as often as I used to. Now I work way too many hours.
this Iggy Pop song came on while i was driving home from work and man it took me back to when i was a skinny kid in a black muscle car driving like teens do blasting it with the tops down blowing kisses to old ladies and singing at the top of my lungs with my friends ah...
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this Iggy Pop song came on while i was driving home from work and man it took me back to when i was a skinny kid in a black muscle car driving like teens do blasting it with the tops down blowing kisses to old ladies and singing at the top of my lungs with my friends ah...
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Three day weekend coming up looking forward to relaxing and getting some me time after mothersday of course.
The day goes on and on a never ending circle "hi, how are, what can I get for you today, tall latte, grande mocha, venti cappuccino. It's the same till she walks in glowing in the bright morning light. The barista robot shuts down I come alive....
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The day goes on and on a never ending circle "hi, how are, what can I get for you today, tall latte, grande mocha, venti cappuccino. It's the same till she walks in glowing in the bright morning light. The barista robot shuts down I come alive....
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i have this habit of prefering things that are a bit more raw. i'm in love with the process. since i like it so much now, i can only assume i'll love it once you've revised it.
as for the woman, i agree:
as for the woman, i agree:
by describing her i would rob her perfection from the world.
it may irritate some that she remains a mystery, but its mystery grants her such a fascinating allure.
Skyggen XoXo
P.S. Thanks for the kindess on my blog
who does not prefer it raw?
thanks maybe i will touch it up later.

so here i am cursing all the lords of this realm for not allowing me to discover this absolutely wonderfully twisted sound. i am talking about Diamanda Gala. if ever they make an opera of my sad and tormented life there is no other person on this whole planet who could put it to voice. it would be written by Aaron Stainthorpe and laid to...
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yesterday i was talking to my friend and we were talking about my impending birthday and she said "dude your old your going to be 24 that's mid twentys" she is only two years younger than me mind you and when i pointed that out she said "i am only 22 thats early twentys" it shocked me how horrible that sounds twenty five is like...
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Look at it this way. For the most part, men do tend to age better than women. Unless the woman has access to really amazing beauty products or falls victim to some sort of surgery addiction (in which case she will probably end up looking very creepy. See: Cher). This also just made me think of Repo! The Genetic Opera (musical organ harvesting, i don't know what's better than that), but I'll try to stay on the primary thought track
Age is subjective in a lot of ways. If you are active, you'll maintain your mind, health, and looks for longer.
Allow me to say pre-Happy Birthday and welcome to age 24.

Allow me to say pre-Happy Birthday and welcome to age 24.