has anyone else noticed that in all the chemistry.com ads where the man and woman are promising things to each other, the woman is promising to do something for the man but the men are always promising things that serve him as much if not more than the woman. anyone noticed this? look 'em up, let me know!
Dear Friend,
A new report in The Nation[1] documents what many have
claimed for years--for some Black New Orleanians the threat of being
killed by White vigilantes in Katrina's aftermath became a bigger
threat than the storm itself.
After the storm, White vigilantes roamed Algiers Point shooting
and, according to their own accounts, killing Black men at will--with
no threat of a police response. For...
Read More
A new report in The Nation[1] documents what many have
claimed for years--for some Black New Orleanians the threat of being
killed by White vigilantes in Katrina's aftermath became a bigger
threat than the storm itself.
After the storm, White vigilantes roamed Algiers Point shooting
and, according to their own accounts, killing Black men at will--with
no threat of a police response. For...
Read More
i am dissapointed to here from this and other articles that sg kind of sucks and is actually very unfeminist, not being run by missy suicide and not taking care of a lot of it's models. be educated people, cuz that shit isn't cool
Thanx for your nice comment about my set Beauty. I'm so happy you liked it. You can read some FAQ about the set on my journal.
maddy: "so, where do you live?"
legs: "mostly in my head"
legs: "mostly in my head"
I need you to help me figure something out. I have a suspicion that one of my friends may be an SG. I can't tell if it's her, but they look a looooot alike, dress similarly, listen to the same music, and both live in NC moved from Jersey. I'm thinking it's too much of a coincidence. Interested in helping a brother out?
Ehhh, maybe a little more subtle. I was just going to give you the information and you can compare them and tell me if I'm just crazy, as opposed to actually saying anything to this person. I'll drop you an IM.
ok so i gave into this email giving me a year member ship for 30 bucks so i'll actually be around for awhile this time!!! i know you're all excited
hahaha, yeah...
ugh i'm so frustrated with like THE BEST SETS on here all being banned by some stupid polician whose penis is too small to please his wife and he HAS to take out his aggression on the rest of us!! fuck that!!!
i want blood w/ my nudity damnit!!!!
i want blood w/ my nudity damnit!!!!
so as of right now, my life is at a point where anonymous naked women on the interenet (and my lack of $$) just aren't doing it for me, as a result i've cancalled my account and will be MIA on oct 31st...
that sucks.... sorry hun!
i decided to be asexaul
Yep, I'm a junior at unc this year...and finally out of the dorms
I wound up in Carmichael for two years with a suite full of sorostitutes, and the experience was less than stellar. Anyway, thanks for the add, and let me know about the naked thing
At this point I'm just gauging interest.
well thats a bummer for all the guys and girl who think u r absolutely beautiful ..... and want u ....
i wanna run away and do something crazy...
Gah! Holy crap! I think you're in my Poli 41 recitation.
let's go together