hey you
thanx to all the poeple who answered to my last update,
im very glad to know your names(yeah i made that to make blackmail on u later...)
so what's new ancolie?
-i finish to work in 1week(thanx god)
-im going to see my family and friends in the south of france for one month
-tomorow i'm gonna see my new apartement( im kinda afraid and exited coz its an old 70's boy's apartement and who knows what i'm gonna see.my friend told me that they was some old playboy posters on the walls.exiting!)
-and in one month i'll be starting my year in that directorschool in paris.
yes it's a new life.and i love to be both exited and scared as hell!!!!!
but i'll be alone in paris, hope the SGfrench members will be here.
and you?what are u going to do ?
to be continued.......
"the owls are not what they seems"
thanx to all the poeple who answered to my last update,
im very glad to know your names(yeah i made that to make blackmail on u later...)
so what's new ancolie?
-i finish to work in 1week(thanx god)
-im going to see my family and friends in the south of france for one month
-tomorow i'm gonna see my new apartement( im kinda afraid and exited coz its an old 70's boy's apartement and who knows what i'm gonna see.my friend told me that they was some old playboy posters on the walls.exiting!)
-and in one month i'll be starting my year in that directorschool in paris.
yes it's a new life.and i love to be both exited and scared as hell!!!!!
but i'll be alone in paris, hope the SGfrench members will be here.
and you?what are u going to do ?
to be continued.......
"the owls are not what they seems"
p.s. don't be scared, ur new life sounds fab
chui sur paris, donc si tu t'ennuies...