Today i woke up at 9am very tired coz i passed the last night drinking wine in a bar and my body was still plenty of alcohol the morning.
SO i decided to awake my head with water in the bathroom while Hellstrommes was playing with my phone
it didnt helped me a lot but it was ok i was ready to begin my journey!
But, i was just passing the door that a dog called Luna stopped me....
"hey ancolie!!u forgot me!!to pass the door u must be sweet with me or i'll bite u!!"
well i accepted coz i must say i was really scared about this strange dog that was a little perv...
ok ok in fact i don't like dogs a lot in the right version of the story i hit it...but as its a story for children, i'll say that i did what the nice dog told me...
fortunatly one hour after i managed to go out from the apartement... so i said goodbye to hellstromes that was very concentrate and making yoga in front of the window.
fortunatly i didnt forget to take 5 euros to buy some ciggarets !(please children its a story DONT smoke ok)
and what did i see?the sky was grey and it was raining!!in july!
what a deception!!
but no problem, fortunatly , im a very optimist personn!
so i came at my work to sell some phones (very interessant job!!)its here:
there was no one , just the other sellers (please children, never yell at an other seller by saying he is a bastard ok?)
i was feeling so bad because of the last night!!!
and!!what a surprise!on a table i discovered a coca cola!very good for energy!
but!OMG!it was a coca light! someone tried to kill me with that!a drink for women always in diet!it almost killed me!
to feel better i bought a sandwich very good wiith a lot of oil...ouf!i was not gonna lose some weight!
but the mistake was done, coca cola was always on my tongue so i decided to run away and to forget...
i came back to my apartement and the tv was on.
i saw some strange things a drunk man talking about france
and some prehistoric men yelling at each other..
what a strange day!!
and oh no!!! my desk was so dirty!!
how could i make some comments on SG with a mess like that?
fortunatly something appeared in front of me..BAD FOOD!
oh men!its seemed like an angel was looking after me!
it was so good to look at sexy women while i was eating this food that 'll make me fat!life is full of surprise!
To finish , hellstrommes that always have good ideas told me:"hey ancolie, lets go to a bar !"
i said "ok" (children alcohol is bad for health)
so , like the other nights we went to that bar on our street(like that if we are drunk its not far.)
our favorite barman was here , he offered us some
and then we looked at each other ....
....and thought...."something is missing!
here it was! we had everything to pass a good night!
thats all for today dear diary, Hellstrommes is vomiting in my toilet i must help him!
Today i woke up at 9am very tired coz i passed the last night drinking wine in a bar and my body was still plenty of alcohol the morning.
SO i decided to awake my head with water in the bathroom while Hellstrommes was playing with my phone
it didnt helped me a lot but it was ok i was ready to begin my journey!
But, i was just passing the door that a dog called Luna stopped me....
"hey ancolie!!u forgot me!!to pass the door u must be sweet with me or i'll bite u!!"
well i accepted coz i must say i was really scared about this strange dog that was a little perv...
ok ok in fact i don't like dogs a lot in the right version of the story i hit it...but as its a story for children, i'll say that i did what the nice dog told me...
fortunatly one hour after i managed to go out from the apartement... so i said goodbye to hellstromes that was very concentrate and making yoga in front of the window.
fortunatly i didnt forget to take 5 euros to buy some ciggarets !(please children its a story DONT smoke ok)
and what did i see?the sky was grey and it was raining!!in july!
what a deception!!
but no problem, fortunatly , im a very optimist personn!
so i came at my work to sell some phones (very interessant job!!)its here:
there was no one , just the other sellers (please children, never yell at an other seller by saying he is a bastard ok?)
i was feeling so bad because of the last night!!!
and!!what a surprise!on a table i discovered a coca cola!very good for energy!
but!OMG!it was a coca light! someone tried to kill me with that!a drink for women always in diet!it almost killed me!
to feel better i bought a sandwich very good wiith a lot of oil...ouf!i was not gonna lose some weight!
but the mistake was done, coca cola was always on my tongue so i decided to run away and to forget...
i came back to my apartement and the tv was on.
i saw some strange things a drunk man talking about france
and some prehistoric men yelling at each other..
what a strange day!!
and oh no!!! my desk was so dirty!!
how could i make some comments on SG with a mess like that?
fortunatly something appeared in front of me..BAD FOOD!
oh men!its seemed like an angel was looking after me!
it was so good to look at sexy women while i was eating this food that 'll make me fat!life is full of surprise!
To finish , hellstrommes that always have good ideas told me:"hey ancolie, lets go to a bar !"
i said "ok" (children alcohol is bad for health)
so , like the other nights we went to that bar on our street(like that if we are drunk its not far.)
our favorite barman was here , he offered us some
and then we looked at each other ....
....and thought...."something is missing!
here it was! we had everything to pass a good night!
thats all for today dear diary, Hellstrommes is vomiting in my toilet i must help him!
"hey ancolie!!u forgot me!!to pass the door u must be sweet with me or i'll bite u!!"
^ my life story.
<4 you are the rockage.
by the way, I did not edit this, that editing thing lies it's socks to hell.
[Edited on Jul 28, 2005 6:16PM]
Vi je vais essayer de venir, j'ai bien dit essayer, je suis en pleine ngociation avec les gniteurs
Tu viens toi?