ame futte ji katamaru!!
hi, people
well so i'm on hollidays, since saturday and not for a long time unfortunatly. Learned some bad news at the beginning of it, so i did nothing special exept get anxious for a friend.
But well, life must go on.
I miss Paris(im in the cote d'azur right now) all of my friends laugh at me coz they say im more parisian that parisians themself....that's certainly true(exept that i'm not the type that go to the shopping on saturday, make brunch on sunday morning and museum with friends on afternoon.gaaaa)
i just like to have a lot of possibilities in a city.and Paris is a concentration of everything, and a fucking amazing city.
What i really want to do now: learn Japanese and have a red dress
what i'd like to listen to the Goblin
what i'd like to eat: nothing, someone had certainly poisonned me, i can't eat nothing.gasp i'm gonna try to smoke a cigarett
oh yeah, heard a funny news. i'm gonna have to take the same pill everyday in all my entire life(so till im dead) thats not bad, i have a little thyroidic(ahah dont know how to say it in english) and i have a definitive treatment now.i don't mind coz it's really nothing, im not sick , so im ok.but i laughed so much when the doctor said that coz i thought (wow, hi pill(to the pill he shows me) so u and i are gonna be best friend uh?god, at least, even if i get single all my fucking life, the only one that will share my life everyday is that pill.its funny(not in a ironic way ok?lol)but as i said i learned a bad news so, it really helped me to take this with a smile!a real one.
Fuck, what else
Oh, yes, i'm gonna move, with 2friends, in a big flat, on the 8 of may.hurra for me, i'll post pix.and i'll make some incredible pijama parties in it.
The best movie poster i've seen today(or this week:
the last movie i saw in theater: SILENT HILL of course.
just one sentence about it and to the movie director: well at least u've tried babe, ahahahahahahahahahah (more soon,i think there'll be a "letter to Christopher gans" entry
last movies i saw at home and i thought "wow,god,ahhhhh" outch" :"Farewell My Concubine" by Chen Kaige (how comes he made "wu-ji"?????)
"samaria" by KIM-ki Duk
tv-show: finally discover "Deadwood"(wonderfull) and "lost"(entertaining)
games: resident evil 4
Japan tv show: "PARANOIA AGENT " (fucking amazing)
best OST i'm thinking about : Metal Gear Solid 3, "Suspiria"'s dario argento, Predator, Full metal aclhimist, Ghost in the shell 2(kenji kawai)
well that's it.
what else. done nothing special. i've been playing in a friend's movie, making a hooker, that was funny. im waiting to watch it complete. i thought about creat a website about cinema, a big one, like that i could make a bunch of my lessons in it, they are very interessants and i want culture for all so....
i'm waiting to make my film, with moving ,exams's kinda complicated ,but it's not a problem to me, i've been waiting all my life so one moth more or less....
we thought, with Ente that we could make a set together. i'd like him to take pix of me, but still donno if i wanna be a SG model or not. i really donno. i don't think that this is for me.of course that' would be funny, but the idea of SG, having some rights on my pictures forever on the net isn't really a pleasant idea..... and of course, as i wanna make a "mediatic" job, who knows, if i have the luck to be a little "in da place" i don't want some bad guys to use naked teenage pix against me. so that scared me a little.
but well, at least , i'm still interesting in modelling, but just to help photographer and to have fun, im not a real model. what i'd like to do too is maybe visual gore or things like that. or i want a zombie set.
wow im talking a lot today.In a week i'll have internet at home.hope i'll not make long entries every time lol.
well i should stop now.have a nice day guys!

hi, people
well so i'm on hollidays, since saturday and not for a long time unfortunatly. Learned some bad news at the beginning of it, so i did nothing special exept get anxious for a friend.
But well, life must go on.
I miss Paris(im in the cote d'azur right now) all of my friends laugh at me coz they say im more parisian that parisians themself....that's certainly true(exept that i'm not the type that go to the shopping on saturday, make brunch on sunday morning and museum with friends on afternoon.gaaaa)
i just like to have a lot of possibilities in a city.and Paris is a concentration of everything, and a fucking amazing city.
What i really want to do now: learn Japanese and have a red dress
what i'd like to listen to the Goblin
what i'd like to eat: nothing, someone had certainly poisonned me, i can't eat nothing.gasp i'm gonna try to smoke a cigarett
oh yeah, heard a funny news. i'm gonna have to take the same pill everyday in all my entire life(so till im dead) thats not bad, i have a little thyroidic(ahah dont know how to say it in english) and i have a definitive treatment now.i don't mind coz it's really nothing, im not sick , so im ok.but i laughed so much when the doctor said that coz i thought (wow, hi pill(to the pill he shows me) so u and i are gonna be best friend uh?god, at least, even if i get single all my fucking life, the only one that will share my life everyday is that pill.its funny(not in a ironic way ok?lol)but as i said i learned a bad news so, it really helped me to take this with a smile!a real one.
Fuck, what else
Oh, yes, i'm gonna move, with 2friends, in a big flat, on the 8 of may.hurra for me, i'll post pix.and i'll make some incredible pijama parties in it.
The best movie poster i've seen today(or this week:

the last movie i saw in theater: SILENT HILL of course.
just one sentence about it and to the movie director: well at least u've tried babe, ahahahahahahahahahah (more soon,i think there'll be a "letter to Christopher gans" entry

last movies i saw at home and i thought "wow,god,ahhhhh" outch" :"Farewell My Concubine" by Chen Kaige (how comes he made "wu-ji"?????)
"samaria" by KIM-ki Duk

tv-show: finally discover "Deadwood"(wonderfull) and "lost"(entertaining)
games: resident evil 4
Japan tv show: "PARANOIA AGENT " (fucking amazing)
best OST i'm thinking about : Metal Gear Solid 3, "Suspiria"'s dario argento, Predator, Full metal aclhimist, Ghost in the shell 2(kenji kawai)
well that's it.
what else. done nothing special. i've been playing in a friend's movie, making a hooker, that was funny. im waiting to watch it complete. i thought about creat a website about cinema, a big one, like that i could make a bunch of my lessons in it, they are very interessants and i want culture for all so....
i'm waiting to make my film, with moving ,exams's kinda complicated ,but it's not a problem to me, i've been waiting all my life so one moth more or less....
we thought, with Ente that we could make a set together. i'd like him to take pix of me, but still donno if i wanna be a SG model or not. i really donno. i don't think that this is for me.of course that' would be funny, but the idea of SG, having some rights on my pictures forever on the net isn't really a pleasant idea..... and of course, as i wanna make a "mediatic" job, who knows, if i have the luck to be a little "in da place" i don't want some bad guys to use naked teenage pix against me. so that scared me a little.
but well, at least , i'm still interesting in modelling, but just to help photographer and to have fun, im not a real model. what i'd like to do too is maybe visual gore or things like that. or i want a zombie set.
wow im talking a lot today.In a week i'll have internet at home.hope i'll not make long entries every time lol.
well i should stop now.have a nice day guys!

sorry about your illness but at least youve made friends with yuor medication
i wanna see samaria

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