"Ma jolie, ta passion de te dcomposer scrupuleusement devant moi,
hier soir, ta confusion, ne pouvaient pas tre plus victorieuses,
jusqu' ignorer-et ce n'est qu'un dtail- que le jeu de patience blanc
des cent osselets de ton pied tranchait merveille sur le velours de tes intestins
Veux tu que nous arrangions demain le chapeau aux tulipes noires de ta matrice
et que nous essayions cette fois ci de relever ta peau partir de la croupe le
long du dos jusqu' voiler ta figure, le sourire exept?
Il sera prt ainsi pour
dimanche aprs-midi.(...)pour jeudi nous mettrons au point cette forme dont tu aimes
l'allure, l'aile gauche de l'os iliaque de ton bassin, soigneusement ornemente d'un
fil coudre noir, qui soulignera la surface tout en la suivant, elle se penchera
lgerement vers ton oreille et tu seras belle.
(...)Ds que je serai immobilis sous
la jupe plisse de tous tes doigts et las de dfaire les guirlandes dont tu as entour
la somnolence de ton fruit jamais n, alors tu souffleras en moi ton parfum et ta fivre
pour qu'en pleine lumire, de l'interieur de ton sexe sorte le mien...."
Hans Bellmer
More here
if u wanna save Carnivale
Well , some people that doesn't understand french asked me to translate this Hans Bellmer 's text. in fact i'm definetly not gonna do that coz i don't wanna ruin this fabulous text. But what i can do is give u my humble opinion about what i think of naked people and erotism .
In fact, as a lot of people here i guess, im fascinated by human body. U see im totally attracted by women's body but more in an erotic way that in a sexual way.i mean, im not lesbian i know it.but i have this strange fascination about it that made me ask myself some questions.
im also fascinated by erotsm as well, and by that i mean everything but porno.if i have the luck and if i try hard to make a movie i would like to show the desire in every images i show.im totally obsessed by that subject.as i am by violence. But im sure as a lot of people that there is a link between strangle a personn and make love.i hope some of u don't find me extrem to say that. i mean i know im not the only one to think that and when i watch a movie im also exited by a killing that by a naked body moving even if its not really in the same way.i don't mean to be gore or rebel when i say that.i really mean it. i think that us, humans are very frustrated n our society about agressivness, violence and sex. In this society we don't have the right to think about it or to have some pulsions(hey by that i don't mean we have the right to kill someone!)
so im sure it is totally cathartic to see murderers or naked body.we need that.we are humans .
And of course thats why i am on SG even if i don't always agree on what happens here. And thats why i sometimes do pictures like that even if im not always feeling good with my image and how i want it to look.
to finish i would say that on a picture, i appreciate a lot more an erotic picture that means desire that a sexual or people having sex on a picture. i love to see desire, its a beautiful thing(yes that museum sequence on "dressed to kill")
well ok i talk to much, even if i didnt say everything but i dont wanna write a novel about it.
so for the ones who had the patience to read it.thanx u. It's always good to share his opinion with understanding people.
hier soir, ta confusion, ne pouvaient pas tre plus victorieuses,
jusqu' ignorer-et ce n'est qu'un dtail- que le jeu de patience blanc
des cent osselets de ton pied tranchait merveille sur le velours de tes intestins
Veux tu que nous arrangions demain le chapeau aux tulipes noires de ta matrice
et que nous essayions cette fois ci de relever ta peau partir de la croupe le
long du dos jusqu' voiler ta figure, le sourire exept?
Il sera prt ainsi pour
dimanche aprs-midi.(...)pour jeudi nous mettrons au point cette forme dont tu aimes
l'allure, l'aile gauche de l'os iliaque de ton bassin, soigneusement ornemente d'un
fil coudre noir, qui soulignera la surface tout en la suivant, elle se penchera
lgerement vers ton oreille et tu seras belle.
(...)Ds que je serai immobilis sous
la jupe plisse de tous tes doigts et las de dfaire les guirlandes dont tu as entour
la somnolence de ton fruit jamais n, alors tu souffleras en moi ton parfum et ta fivre
pour qu'en pleine lumire, de l'interieur de ton sexe sorte le mien...."
Hans Bellmer
More here
if u wanna save Carnivale
Well , some people that doesn't understand french asked me to translate this Hans Bellmer 's text. in fact i'm definetly not gonna do that coz i don't wanna ruin this fabulous text. But what i can do is give u my humble opinion about what i think of naked people and erotism .
In fact, as a lot of people here i guess, im fascinated by human body. U see im totally attracted by women's body but more in an erotic way that in a sexual way.i mean, im not lesbian i know it.but i have this strange fascination about it that made me ask myself some questions.
im also fascinated by erotsm as well, and by that i mean everything but porno.if i have the luck and if i try hard to make a movie i would like to show the desire in every images i show.im totally obsessed by that subject.as i am by violence. But im sure as a lot of people that there is a link between strangle a personn and make love.i hope some of u don't find me extrem to say that. i mean i know im not the only one to think that and when i watch a movie im also exited by a killing that by a naked body moving even if its not really in the same way.i don't mean to be gore or rebel when i say that.i really mean it. i think that us, humans are very frustrated n our society about agressivness, violence and sex. In this society we don't have the right to think about it or to have some pulsions(hey by that i don't mean we have the right to kill someone!)
so im sure it is totally cathartic to see murderers or naked body.we need that.we are humans .
And of course thats why i am on SG even if i don't always agree on what happens here. And thats why i sometimes do pictures like that even if im not always feeling good with my image and how i want it to look.
to finish i would say that on a picture, i appreciate a lot more an erotic picture that means desire that a sexual or people having sex on a picture. i love to see desire, its a beautiful thing(yes that museum sequence on "dressed to kill")
well ok i talk to much, even if i didnt say everything but i dont wanna write a novel about it.
so for the ones who had the patience to read it.thanx u. It's always good to share his opinion with understanding people.
(je savais pas que jte faisais autant d'effet qd je suis pas content)