@rambo @missy
Hey guys I'm on a holiday and @merigold tagged me on hers, so here are 40 questions! Feel free to ask more in the comments :3
1. Do you like blue cheese? Fuck yes, I live for cheese. Any cheese. Just cover me in cheese.
2. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. Not a big soft drinks fan though
3. Do you own a gun? ... Nope and I wouldn't even if I could. My weapon of choice would be a katana
4. What flavor Kool-Aid? Never had it, french wine ftw baby!
5. What do you think of hot dogs? I think anything that includes sausage is wonderful.
6. Favorite TV show? aGOT, Breaking Bad, Rick & Morty and Final Space. Sorry can't pick
7. Favorite Movie? The Lord of the Rings trilogy - don't make me pick one!!
8. What do you drink in the morning?Ceylan tea, strong, with sugar and a ton of milk.
9. Can you do a push up? Nope
10 Favorite jewelry? The ring I got from my mom, she got it in Africa before I was born. I started wearing it 15 years ago when I discovered Tolkien... It does look like the One Ring lol.
11. Favorite hobbies? Reading, eating, cooking, drawing, watching series and talking with my cat.
12. Do you have A.D H.D.? No
13. Do you wear glasses? Yes, but at night only. I'm super short sighted and my glasses are heavy, so I were contacts during the day.
14. Favorite cartoon character? Mooncake (Final Space)
15. Three things I did today? Said goodbye to my cat, caught an early train to south of France, read a bit of Frankenstein.
17. Three things you drink regularly? Tea, beer, wine
18. Current dislike? Having to wait for my BF to have a job so I can apply for a visa to join him in Australia and in the meantime living with my parents and struggling to find a job and being so unsure of everything.
19. Favorite place to go? Bed? Lol. A terrace in the sun to have drinks with friends!
20. How did you bring in the New Year?With my bestfriend and my family at my parent's place after a year of travelling
21. Where would you like to go? Perth, Australia...
22. Name five people who (you hope) will do this? @nomalez @bizkit @arachnie @gladyce @miyumiyu
23. Favorite color? Black
24. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? meh nah I'm a cotton girl
25. Can you whistle? yeah though not so great, but I recently learned to whistle with my fingers and I'm really proud of it lol
26. What are you doing right now? sitting on a train heading to the south of France for some beach time with my sisters and brother
27. Would you be a pirate? if it includes lots of sushi and gems yes.
28. Favorite food? raaamennnn amen
29. Last thing that made you laugh? I got the film pics from my trip to Liverpool developped and seeing my friends stupid faces made me laugh... I love them so much
30. Last time you received flowers? Ehmm... I bought some for myself does it count? Lol. I rarely get flowers, my BF isn't very romantic. It's a shame cause I love them very much
31. Most recent injury? .... lol ahem I cut my foot with a pedicure tool. Stupid, I know.
32. How many pets are in your house? my lil baby, Tyler. That's my kitty and i love her to bits
33. Worst pain ever? kidney infection back in 2015, but also my second rib tattoo was pretty horrible
34. Do you like to dance? yeah but i suck at it lol
35. Are your parents still alive? Yep
36. Do you love your life? yeah!
37. Summer or Winter? Summer.
38. How many grandchildren do you have? Fuck, zero
39. Car or Van? Car.
40. People Person? I'm very awkward when it comes to people. Consider me a human-curious cat person ^^