So woke up after a 3 hour sleep to take Frank to school. On my way over I kept thinking about getting into a car accident. I kept thinking about that all day, somthing I do sometimes. I always think of people and their reactions to seeing me dying, or in the hospital. I had a hypothisis for this whole thing but I took too long to write it and forgot. It was somthing to the effect of... do I think about this stuff because of somthing I forgot, or because I don't feel people care enough about me so I have to imagine them in extreme situations that force them to care. Anyway thats not important. I got there and... Wellll the noob didn't wake up and had me waiting outside for like 30 mins. While I was waiting for him I was thinking about how my mom was being a noob earlyer that night. So I called my moms cell to express how she was being a weiner. No answer, nor at the house, so I left an angry message on the house phone, I hope she gets that shit. Then Frank calls me, just waking up, even tho he woke ME up. Apperntly he went back to sleep... So I made him come to breakfast at my grandma's house. He was hesitant, fearing awkwardness, but shes like the oldest black lady ever and so nice. He decided to come and I headed towards the store. This conversation occured on the way.
Frank: Where are we going?
Me: Giant
Frank: Why?
Frank: We're bringing beer to your grandma's?!
Me: Bring Your Own Bacon
Frank: *hysterical laughing*
Yes I enjoy my bacon more than the average person. I said "Oh pork how I love thee," while distroying some baconzzzz. Pancakes were amazing, grandma was lovely, although she made me try a waffle... fucking waffles never again... They are wayyy too heavy that was like 3 pancakes, and pancakes I love. So it was off to get a haircut, and my chops are restored to their choppy glory.
CHOOOOOOOOOOPS! I don't think i will ever not have chops, and the barber left my beardy beard and I'm too lazy to deal with it so the beady beard stays, and I like it! But the stash has to go, maybe I'll not be lazy sometime within the next month and get rid of it =D.
Then took Frank home, but not before inquring further about learing the piccilo which is a super small flute. Frank and I are going to start a piccilo violin band that will own and probally never come to be but hopes keep us excited. Then I hit the gym, that was good, no old men oogling my goodies which was nice. I forgot my sandals which sucked, I had to walk in warm gross water that was scary. But I delt, and didn't die, as you can see.
Then I got my nails done. I left to pick up Sam, who refused to pick up his phone. Apperntly he was sleeping... with his girlfriend... in his boxers, why any of that was happening in the middle of the day is beyond me. Sleep with your clothes on fine, have sex fine, but half way inbetween the two, whats going on?! (Ali hates me..... now) Sam gets in the car and says, "Nice pants," which was true. Check this shit out
Yeah I know they are hidious, but they were clean and comfortable so whatever. They are my new sit around and do nothing like a lazy fucker pants. They work well, as you can see, I am sitting around being a lazy fucker.
My nails are HOTTT
I wanted a white star on my thumb, but I didn't feel comfortable requesting it, I am still feeling around the manicure situation. I'll get there, everyone loves me there. I've only been twice, but the woman who did me the first time was really nice. And either they think I'm really gay and are making fun of me in some oriental dialect, or think I'm a beast. And I am, so that is the most logical.
After that we hot Popeyes, don't get naked chicken strips, they suck. Headed home, hit up the Gilmore Girls which I just finished and that is my day.
Goodbye shitty 4 days in the house without human contact, a shower, or good food depresion. Hello feeling awesome and going to North Carolina for my grandfathers uuber birthday party of oldness. Six hours of good music woo woo!!! (fucking with my mp3 player on the highway will be the death of me)
This was an entry in a journal my friends read, forgive anything that doesnt make sense because you don't know me like tat
Frank: Where are we going?
Me: Giant
Frank: Why?
Frank: We're bringing beer to your grandma's?!
Me: Bring Your Own Bacon
Frank: *hysterical laughing*
Yes I enjoy my bacon more than the average person. I said "Oh pork how I love thee," while distroying some baconzzzz. Pancakes were amazing, grandma was lovely, although she made me try a waffle... fucking waffles never again... They are wayyy too heavy that was like 3 pancakes, and pancakes I love. So it was off to get a haircut, and my chops are restored to their choppy glory.

CHOOOOOOOOOOPS! I don't think i will ever not have chops, and the barber left my beardy beard and I'm too lazy to deal with it so the beady beard stays, and I like it! But the stash has to go, maybe I'll not be lazy sometime within the next month and get rid of it =D.
Then took Frank home, but not before inquring further about learing the piccilo which is a super small flute. Frank and I are going to start a piccilo violin band that will own and probally never come to be but hopes keep us excited. Then I hit the gym, that was good, no old men oogling my goodies which was nice. I forgot my sandals which sucked, I had to walk in warm gross water that was scary. But I delt, and didn't die, as you can see.
Then I got my nails done. I left to pick up Sam, who refused to pick up his phone. Apperntly he was sleeping... with his girlfriend... in his boxers, why any of that was happening in the middle of the day is beyond me. Sleep with your clothes on fine, have sex fine, but half way inbetween the two, whats going on?! (Ali hates me..... now) Sam gets in the car and says, "Nice pants," which was true. Check this shit out

Yeah I know they are hidious, but they were clean and comfortable so whatever. They are my new sit around and do nothing like a lazy fucker pants. They work well, as you can see, I am sitting around being a lazy fucker.
My nails are HOTTT

I wanted a white star on my thumb, but I didn't feel comfortable requesting it, I am still feeling around the manicure situation. I'll get there, everyone loves me there. I've only been twice, but the woman who did me the first time was really nice. And either they think I'm really gay and are making fun of me in some oriental dialect, or think I'm a beast. And I am, so that is the most logical.
After that we hot Popeyes, don't get naked chicken strips, they suck. Headed home, hit up the Gilmore Girls which I just finished and that is my day.
Goodbye shitty 4 days in the house without human contact, a shower, or good food depresion. Hello feeling awesome and going to North Carolina for my grandfathers uuber birthday party of oldness. Six hours of good music woo woo!!! (fucking with my mp3 player on the highway will be the death of me)
This was an entry in a journal my friends read, forgive anything that doesnt make sense because you don't know me like tat
and thanks for your comment.