So this recent 30 mins has sucked a big fatty. Go to giant and get cerial, $5 a box... fucking retarded... and its like a thin box that I finish it 2 sittings... luckily I got in line and the women in front of me was my mother so I didn't have to pay for it. Then I went to subway and I saw in the salami bucket there was a cylinder of salami that had like a centimeter wide piece of fat in it. The lady picked it up, and started putting it on, piece after piece... fat fat fat fat fat, I'm like grossssss
Then I come home, from subway, where before that I was home, and subway is accross the street, so I was away all of... 20 min? IF that. Come home, as I enter from the garage I see light coming out of my room, which means the dog has been in my room, which means MOST LIKELY the dog has been in my garbage. I look in my room... my worst fears were realized when I see the garbage stroon about. I thank god that I threw out the bag as big as my arms in a hoop the other day or my dog would NOT be alive. I'm SO pissed, I used to think it was my fault, I had an open can. So I made a trip to get a closed can (that he just knocks the fucking top off of). So it's deffinately him being an asshole. He is in his camge now, I'm pissed off that I fed him before I left, AND that I said to myself "he'll be ok, I'll only be gone 20 min." I have no idea what to do... He won't be eating breakfast tommarow, He will get the imagry of a trash can a smack on the ass and hopefully that will start a change...fucking dog
Then I come home, from subway, where before that I was home, and subway is accross the street, so I was away all of... 20 min? IF that. Come home, as I enter from the garage I see light coming out of my room, which means the dog has been in my room, which means MOST LIKELY the dog has been in my garbage. I look in my room... my worst fears were realized when I see the garbage stroon about. I thank god that I threw out the bag as big as my arms in a hoop the other day or my dog would NOT be alive. I'm SO pissed, I used to think it was my fault, I had an open can. So I made a trip to get a closed can (that he just knocks the fucking top off of). So it's deffinately him being an asshole. He is in his camge now, I'm pissed off that I fed him before I left, AND that I said to myself "he'll be ok, I'll only be gone 20 min." I have no idea what to do... He won't be eating breakfast tommarow, He will get the imagry of a trash can a smack on the ass and hopefully that will start a change...fucking dog
Good luck with your dog... Trash eating is a huge problem. All of our trash cans are locked up or in cupboards now.