I made my first stencil and developed my first two rolls of film today
2 of my friends leave for college today
a day for beginings and endings
2 of my friends leave for college today
a day for beginings and endings
My problem with photo developing was that I wasn't careful....
I'd go to the photo lab at about 8pm and leave at about 4am. This was also when I was testing out my theory that sleep was a waste of time.... A a result I'd fall alseep, standing up, above the chemical baths. When I was doing photography I had this hacking smoker's cough (I don't smoke) that I attributed to my noctural inhalations.
As a result, I swore off photography. But, my photographs weren't that great anyway.
As for painting.... I actually quit for a number of reasons, one of them being the level of toxicity (involved in being a hardcore oil painter).
Any Hoo, looking forward to seeing your photographs.