Hiked up a mountain, that was sick, first time I left the house outside of going to a grocery store all vacation...
Although at some point I decided that all life experiences are worth living for. Even though I could have been elsewhere I was there and I have memories.
Christmas was a HUGE let down. Not that I expected anything from it, I remember saying before the trip that "I plan to experience the Sforza/Torres (my Mom/Aunt's family names) vision of Christmas." The vision really wasn't much, my uncle and 2 cousins were flying in Christmas day, my Mom and Dad were picking them up. I spent Christmas day with a 3rd of my family, a fake tree, and 98% of the gifts for my aunt and uncles daughters. I don't need nor did I want any presents, but no one else was really involved. I felt like I was at another families' Christmas *sigh* next year will be my year.
Previous journal:
I told my family that if given the means I would like to hold Christmas at my house. The means would be...the house...I live in upstate New York right now going to school at Alfred University. At the moment I still live on campus and do not have a house. I hope that I will be able to purchase a house for next year, he housing market is cheap there, but it is still an endeavor that requires money I don't have right now. I want to build my own traditions for Christmas I think that will enhance the experience for me.
So far I have in mind:
1. Putting up my own tree, I have never done that under my own provocation and I have not been a part of that tradition in years.
2. Making my own ornaments, I go to art school that is an easy one, I think it would also be interesting to have all my art school friends contribute an ornament, that would be awesome.
3. Making my own Christmas Star/Angel. Similar to the ornaments but this would be even more exciting, it goes on the top! Both this and the ornaments I could still do years I don't have Christmas at my house, I could gift the ornaments to family and friends, it could simply be a Christmas tradition I have and the star/angel could be something I make new every year and bring where ever I am going.
4. Early Christmas party including my family, all my friends still at school and all my favorite professors. Have you met an art school professor? Dayum that would be a sick party!
Thats all I got so far, but I am a year ahead already, I want that house!
Speaking of new years, that is coming up. I'm home and I want to leave! All my friends haver "other friends," "work friends." There is almost always a party going on here, but its these "other friends parties," I never get to go, that shit happened last night. I don't want to be here and waste yet another New Year. One of my professors at school is putting on a light exhibition on the back of a flat-bed semi truck. I want to be there, but there is 6 hours away, I fucking hate driving and I fucking hate driving alone. *sigh* I will regret staying, I just need to man up and drive!
Edited to add:
I just called my professor, the show is on and its hot. Just map quested the shit, ONLY 4 HOURS! I AM THERE!
2nd Edit:
I woke up early, showered, shaved, got on the road. Rocking out to some tunes making headway, 2.5-3 hours in engine seizes. I pull over to the left side of the road, open my hood, pull out my dipstick, bone dry. Good Game, car is done, I have no plans for New Years now. I am glad this happened in 2007, this shit needs to be OVER.