So I am in Puerto Rico. Everyone I tell that is OH COOL THATS COOL! I guess they don't know my family. Today is a prime example: So my cousin was coming today, the airport is 40min to an hour away. EVERYONE wanted to go, because I am on vacation and have no desire to sit in someone else's house by myself I did too. That meant 7 people in a 7 person car (including the addition of my cousin from the air port) There would be no where for the luggage. So they were making me and my uncle stay here, I was ok with that I really like my uncle. I am in another room over hearing my uncle say "I would like to go pick up my daughter but there isn't enough room!" I being the upstanding gentleman I am I say that I will stay here alone, in my aunts parents house... Because I am 20 and retarded I am not able to have the keys, so I am sitting in this outside room with no screens that is infested with mosquitoes. This is also where I sleep, they lock me out. It's not like I am some dog my family kicks around but I am most definitely at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to people that must be pleased...
And thats just today, don't get me started about my crazy grandmother yesterday *sigh*
I'm not complaining about my family, I am explaining why this trip to Puerto Rico sucks. I would have rather stayed home alone, at least TV is in English there, and there are no mosquitoes, good food! I so far have eaten food my aunt makes at home, stale cereal, pizza, and bread... FUCK THAT!
ANYWAY the good stuff in my life:
I got a 3.10 this semester and still waiting for another grade that should be good. I got an A in glass blowing, a flat out A no - or nothing. That is VERY hard at my school, and I tried way hard in that class and I love the professor, I am P SYCHED about that. For people who sitll come here I will have images of my work up some time, I have plenty of time during break....
I spent a lot of time and worked very hard to produce a good grant application. It was painstaking but I just found out I was awarded the grant! FUCK YEAH! The project should be fantastic and I will document it well and share it with you all. Is anyone celebrating? No, they are all off at the airport leaving my ass here with the mosquitoes...
Both of which I forgot about completely while I was here fuck this vacation.
Good music Chin up Chin up
^click image to listen^
Been listening to them all vacation, good thing I have these guys or I would be hanging form a ceiling fan, isn't it fucked up that I have actually thought on this vacation "what if I killed myself?" That is terrible you should never thing that ESPECIALLY on vacation!
I'll be ok... I hope...
And thats just today, don't get me started about my crazy grandmother yesterday *sigh*
I'm not complaining about my family, I am explaining why this trip to Puerto Rico sucks. I would have rather stayed home alone, at least TV is in English there, and there are no mosquitoes, good food! I so far have eaten food my aunt makes at home, stale cereal, pizza, and bread... FUCK THAT!
ANYWAY the good stuff in my life:
I got a 3.10 this semester and still waiting for another grade that should be good. I got an A in glass blowing, a flat out A no - or nothing. That is VERY hard at my school, and I tried way hard in that class and I love the professor, I am P SYCHED about that. For people who sitll come here I will have images of my work up some time, I have plenty of time during break....
I spent a lot of time and worked very hard to produce a good grant application. It was painstaking but I just found out I was awarded the grant! FUCK YEAH! The project should be fantastic and I will document it well and share it with you all. Is anyone celebrating? No, they are all off at the airport leaving my ass here with the mosquitoes...
Both of which I forgot about completely while I was here fuck this vacation.
Good music Chin up Chin up

^click image to listen^
Been listening to them all vacation, good thing I have these guys or I would be hanging form a ceiling fan, isn't it fucked up that I have actually thought on this vacation "what if I killed myself?" That is terrible you should never thing that ESPECIALLY on vacation!
I'll be ok... I hope...
Sounds crazy man...but then again....we all have crazy family situations, some crazier then others, but hey, be thankful you have family. That's the important thing. Family is like a rose...full of thorns but still beautiful. Okay sound corny, I just made it up but you get the idea.
And it's a good thing to have something that cheers you up. And it's even cooler that it music. What ever works.