I hate the internet!
I just had a nice sexy post and it got deleted.
Quick recap...
I'm at a hostel in NYC for a week and only have 6.5 minutes left on the internet!
School is great, last few weeks have been rough I experianced some depression and ended up getting a B+ in my art classes WEWT!
I woudl love to spend more time on here, I wish I had the time! I'm going to try harder to get on alittle.
I got online to find Y Monster's address (a tattoo artist in NYC that tattoos all the SG's) to check out his shop.
Everyone live good be safe and hopeuflly I'll get a chance to check out whats going on with you guys!
I just had a nice sexy post and it got deleted.
Quick recap...
I'm at a hostel in NYC for a week and only have 6.5 minutes left on the internet!
School is great, last few weeks have been rough I experianced some depression and ended up getting a B+ in my art classes WEWT!
I woudl love to spend more time on here, I wish I had the time! I'm going to try harder to get on alittle.
I got online to find Y Monster's address (a tattoo artist in NYC that tattoos all the SG's) to check out his shop.
Everyone live good be safe and hopeuflly I'll get a chance to check out whats going on with you guys!