*sigh* I have to go to court on Friday for a speeding ticket. The stress level is at orange (no one knows wtf that shit means but its the best I can classify my state lol). I've been spending most of my time lying in bed doing nothing out of the fear that if I'm doing something I should be doing stuff getting ready to leave so if I do nothing at least I'm relaxed. Flawed logic? yes, But there's a first time for everything
. I'm just trying to do what feels right, not particularly what IS right. Anyway sorry for my absence I just cant summon the strength to get online and be a chatty Cathy. But I do look forward to the time when I am situated in my dorm room and back on here chatting it up and checking out hot punk rock women as my roommate looks at me and says "Dude wtf... Put on some clothes..."
Until then Be cool

Until then Be cool

speeding bah don't they have anythign better to do like catch terrorists than give people tickets!?!?
yeck speeding ticket....good luck, i'm sure you'll get out of it