I feel like an ass not comenting to everyone and such but I have been SO busy... I also have a new computer that I have no idea how to use. FUKIN MAKINTOSH!
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 24, 2008
I just fell in the shower like if an elderly person had my fall funer… -
Friday Feb 15, 2008
I had an awkward critique today. I felt like everyone was chastising … -
Tuesday Feb 12, 2008
One of my pieces came out of the kiln today, looks sick. Things as… -
Thursday Feb 07, 2008
BUSY BUSY BUSY! I have to get mad good at welding like... Now I… -
Sunday Jan 27, 2008
This one morning when I had time to post and something to say SG was … -
Saturday Jan 05, 2008
So far 2008 uneventful. Been playing lots of Halo 3 on my friends Xbo… -
Wednesday Jan 02, 2008
Yeah the end of 2007 wasn't so hot. I was on my way to a lighting exh… -
Sunday Dec 30, 2007
Puerto Rico got better the day before I left... Hiked up a mountain,… -
Sunday Dec 23, 2007
Puerto Rico is... getting better? Still not great. We have a fake tre… -
Thursday Dec 20, 2007
So I am in Puerto Rico. Everyone I tell that is OH COOL THATS COOL! I…
but wha da fug?
it's like that....