A few weeks ago I saw the band Lotus
Here are pictures from that:
That show was awesome I ROCKED out. Before the show some one tried to buy E from me. He came up to me and said "Yo you got any E?" I said "Nope sorry." He said "Oh you look like your on E." (Because I was just feeling the music that was playing, some really chill dance stuff) I said "Nope I just got that natural high thing going on." He said "It's harder for the rest of us." That sucks, I got that natural high thing gong on all the time... Later when the band was taking a break some guy came down from the top balcony and shook my hand. I was confused, he said that he enjoyed watching me dance and that I really entertained him . Yeah I dance like a beast
Then one day not too long ago I saw a rainbow, so beautiful .
Cool picture from some night from in front of the comic book store Ironically directly behind me is the Wendy's in that other photo... I spend too much time at the comic book store.
One day when my friends were all being douche bags and hanging out with other people and being fags I decided to go get a picnic blanket and lay out and just read . It was on this day I made a big dent in that book I finished.
So I went and visited my dream school Alfred University. So amazing! While I was there I got stuck in a ditch and got mud everywhere, my car got FUCKED up.
On the way home I took my time (because I didn't have to meet up with anyone like I did on the way up so I decided to enjoy the ride)
Today I finally got my Zeroboutique shirts, WOOT!
One day, I had some cheese... And I figured people would be intersted, so I took a picture .
Music that is awesome:
Men Women & Children
If you like Head Automatica you will like them, they are the other half of Glassjaw the band that spawned Head Automatica.
Have a good weekend bitches!
I likes the pictures