This show Black. White. is the most amazing thing on television (I struggled to spell television and that is sad... I still had to spell check it and I got it wrong!). It is about a white family and a black family that live together and dress up as the opposite race to explore the whole race issue. The black family wants the white family to experience racism and the white family is treating this as a vacation. The white father is like a scientist, he keeps testing people, and asking them DIRECTLY what he wants an answer to. He WANTS some one to call him a "Nigger" so he can say "Ok well I don't care that you called me that." He's a fucking moron... The white mother says the stupidest stuff to black people. Like... she was reciting a poem in front of a black crowd and called one of them a "black beast." What a fucking MORON, and then she cries when the black family says "wtf were you thinking?" She says that it was a complement... I LITERALLY writhe in discomfort when she is talking, I think "WHAT IS SHE SAYING, IN FRONT OF THOES PEOPLE!" This one guy had already struggled in a poem to say people think he is gay but he is really strait and she said to him directly, "what are you, are you gay, are you strait, I don't know." F U C K I N G MORON! And the black family? They are completely rational, and make sense... I'm actually half black and today I was talking to one of my friends and I realized these racist views she had. I never even thought about racism, I wasn't raised around it. I don't know how to say I feel seeing now how racism is still prevalent in society. I guess I should say I'm lucky, to not have experienced it and to not live around it.
Black. White. has a myspace and it's better than the homepage. You can see pictures of all the cast members before and after the makeup.
I implore you all to check this out, it's absolutely amazing, at least for me.

I have news for you sweet heart... I was stationed in Djibouti Africa for six months and "your people" would rather see you dead then come back to Africa.... I never saw such hate from Africans towards African Americans when I was there... There were a few times that men from the city would start fights for no reason just because there were African Americans in Africa....
That TV show is just another ground for blacks to yell racism or whites to yell racism.... another race card to be pulled in the long run.... gives idiots like Johnny Bangerter and David Duke,Aaron Moser...etc.... the reason to preach the neo nazi way and to have their little kkk meetings.... fuel to the fire in my opinion....
Nothing against you just our country doesnt need another tv show on this shit.... its stupid and shows nothing but why we are all racist to begin with...