Saw Weather Man today, it was great, I enjoyed it.
I had a raging erection today, I need a pair of pair of lips on staff to take care of that.
Today was comic book day, it was a good one at that.
Today I yet again realized that people suck and are unreliable... Yesterday I was at a show with four other people, I spent most of it by myself. While rocking out to the headlining band I was tapped on the shoulder and told that one of the four was sick and they were all leaving,,, thanks? Today a "friend" with whom I planed a trip to New York this weekend told me he doesn't want to go... thanks? NO FUCK YOU.... Last night he was supposed to send an email concerning a business deal we are both involved in. I asked if he did, he said he did not, his excuse was that the guy is slow... so he decided NOT to send the email... because... the guy is slow... Make sense? no no it doesn't... I am supposed to be starting a website with this kid... But today I realized that NOTHING, LITERALLY nothing he needs to do (quit smoking, go to school, keep appointments, stay on schedule) gets done... It crossed my mind to just take the domain and build the site myself... I spent so much time alone... AND I do everything myself... Life just does NOT go the way I want it to be right now. Le sigh... I need some lips, on staff, chop chop!
And yes, dinosaurs.
Yay, everyone with pink hair! Pink hair!
I read your entry too quickly. I read "Raging Erection" as "ragina infection." I know, it doesn't make any sense.