and a cool transformer poster, I took those

Thank you for everything you do for me. I appreciate it all more than you know. I can not wait to start a family. You're it for me. I love you. FOREVER!
*heart* D??ieea (I don't know what two letters in her name are)"
Wow... That blew my mind. The handwriting on
"start a family"
was hard to read I thought it said "meet your family," but it didn't. I mean are these kids married? It's possible everyone running around in the commons have wedding rings... They cant be older than 22-23. I would love to be married at that age. Engaged actually, because I want to have lots of money to give my wife an amazing wedding and I will still be in school at 23. How awesome would it be to have met your soul mate at that age? I'm sure most think Im being naive, that a relationship that serious that young is bound to fail, and I have seen it happen (my 21 year old cousin is pregnant with her x-boyfriend's Hispanic child...). I guess I have no good example of a young couple surviving the test of time... IT doesnt even have to last; I just want an awesome wife for like 6 years. Then I'll be 29 and ready for another one . I joke... I wish I had a girlfriend that left me messages like that. A constant reminder someone loves you. Every morning and night you see them. That would make me do flips. If I had a girl like that all I would do is spend time making her happy and working. Working so I can have money to shower her in diamonds!
Today this girl I know said: you are going to make some girl so happy one day you say all the right things
Damn it! When will this day come?! Whatever, the point of the story is not that Im a loser without a girlfriend; its that those messages are awesome. They made me stop working and think for a good while, oh messages *waves hand in their direction*
So on the way home from work (which is about a 45 min drive that I can cut to 20 min or so...) I was listening to this band Lotus. I just recently started listening to them and I wasn't paying much attention while I listened. This song "Flower Sermon" off the album Germination is off the hook! I was doing the robot in the car, sticking my arms out the window and sun roof and making my car dance! (moving steering wheel side to side so car sways but stays strait, and breaking to the beat) When I got close to home off the Highway (on which I was speeding and at one point this cop was behind me flashing lights and all, I had zoned out and didn't notice for a while, and I didn't hear because my music was loud as fuck... I went to pull over and he blew past me staring me down... FUCKING WOOT!) I came to a streetlight close to my house. This girl who was behind me was now to my side and saw me dancing, she mouthed the words "oh my god." I just looked and kept dancing, and the light turned green. I was one lane to the left of where I should have been so I just pulled over to the right lane quickly almost crashing into a car comming up behind me. The lady honked at me and I juked the car with my masterful skills at driving. I speed of and went home, continued to dance, got my basketball clothes and went to pick up a friend for basketball. I got him and was headed towards another friends house to get him when I saw helicopter. I thought to myself wtf? Since when are there helicopters... I was at my 2nd friend's house waiting and dancing. This guy waiting outside was in his car, his face was facing the opposite direction of me, but I saw him use his vanity mirror to get a look at my leet dancing skills. It turned out to be my friends step dad . Before my friend came out I saw the helicopter again, hovering over us... I thought wow wtf? Then I thought FUCK! POLICE HELICOPTER WOW I'M GOING TO GET ARRESTED FOR NEARLY KILLING THAT WOMAN EARLIER... I went from the greatest mood I could possibly have to the worst. I was SO fucking scaired... My friend comes out of my house and I tell him whats up. He says "No it's a news copter, there's a bomb threat at the elementry school over there." I replied with "FUCK YEAH! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THAT MADE ME!" To think... getting happy about a bomb threat... at an elementary school no less, AND not to far away from many many houses... atleast it wasnt MY ass on the line
. Today was awesome, everyone go buy the Lotus cd
How was your friday? Assuming you got this far, and if you did I love you
well i usually watch horror anime or documentries about war yaar
[Edited on Feb 06, 2006 4:35AM]