If your job doesn't involve fiberglass and or insulation it is better than mine. Because mine involves both and it involves both being over my head so it falls ALL over my head, face, neck, and body. Don't forget my teeth
. I think my least favorite thing to do is take insulation off pipes that are overhead... Above being disembouled and anally raped in prison... Second only to removing insulation from pipes over head AND THEN disembouled... Also there is this scary saw they always tell me to use and today I crunched my finger in the fast moving parts near the blade. When it happend I didn't know if I lost part of my thumb or just banged it, but it sure scared the hell out of me. It deff still hurts too....
So work is great how about you?
*edited to add*
I got digital cable woot! Yay for recording things, I'm excited. DVR is teh shit!
I got saftey goggles, no more fiberglass in my eyes
The girl at my friends work doesn't think im hot
*edited again for highlight of day*
Highlight of day: Pausing live tv with my new DVR to go take a shit.

So work is great how about you?
*edited to add*
I got digital cable woot! Yay for recording things, I'm excited. DVR is teh shit!
I got saftey goggles, no more fiberglass in my eyes

The girl at my friends work doesn't think im hot

*edited again for highlight of day*
Highlight of day: Pausing live tv with my new DVR to go take a shit.

I really like the premise of Dead Like Me, and I think the meter maid and Inigo Montoya are really good. I can't reallly get with the rest of the cast though, especially now that they kicked off the Nozema girl and brought the blonde in.