So last night was also amazing. They played some diff songs alot of the same, but in a differnt order, so I was feeling differnt things than I was yesterday during each song. The show was COMPLETELY differnt but equally amazing. At the end I got to meet them all and htey signed my poster and the last of the 4 members signed my shirt which is ready for framing now. I told them they were amazing and they were my favorite band. That I really feel their music physically, they said they saw me dancing and it inspired them to put on a better show. AMAZING! Wow in all honesty, opinion aside (yeah it's my opinion, but I really think this could be like a scientific thing where its just right hands down, like if you put a hooker in a room with a banana she will have sex with it.) Explosions in the Sky put on the best live show you will ever see, I met a guy who saw them 7 years ago when they got booed off stage and he loved them. Another kid who has seen them 5 or 6 times said that the night prior was the best show they had, and this was the first night he saw them up close. I saw him jaming... And man I rocked out so hard I moved one of the moniters and this security guard came and was like DONT MOVE THOES! and I was like JAM ALL UP IN YOUR GRILL! Anyway It was so amazing, I have one more night to see them but honestly I could NOT see them and be overyly fufilled. Now pictures of all my signed crap. And no I did not get a picture with them, I should have, I didnt maybe I will on wed, but its ok, Im content.

I got these 3 signatures last year. The drummer (Chris) and one of the guitarists (Munaf). I also got the artist of their album art and T-shirts to sign, the one on the bottom

These two (in purple) are the ones I got this year. The other guitarist (Mark) and the bassist (Michael, thats my name!)

And this is my baby =D

Munaf, the sexy.

Michael, the beautiful blonde haired blue eyed god among men.

Last but not least, Chris the loud one (he is the most amazint drummer ever), and Mark the bearded one.

The saga of explosions in the sky has not yet ended. Do I have the energy for another show? For them, always, I almost borke my body last night. I hit my head multiple times, sprained my pinky, and this was all due to my own movements. NO one was moving around me (actually this annoying gay guy was who was like buthumping me...) this was between me and a box that I hit my head on.... But I will survive another day for Explosions in the Sky....
*day one*
SO I had the best show night EVER, and I went alone which I hate doing. But alas Explosions in the Sky is able to erase that doo doo fear of being alone. I had dreams ALL NIGHT about how tomorrow (today) I would get to go back stage with them all day and just hang out and crazy things happened including some one robbing the venue because they thought it was a bank (a few days prior I heard that it was an old bank made into a music venue). They came out and was like damn I thought it was a bank....: P
So I will commence with the details. I got in the car, my uncle drove due to the fact this is NY and I know MD (the burbs) and am not the best city driver... We pull out of the drive way and we... hit a car.... That was fun, great way to start the night, your uncle who is the most... non vulgar guy ever saying "FUCK FUCK SHIT WHEN WAS THEERE A FUCKING CAR THERE?!" So that was awkward for a little but whatever it passed. We got there and there was a small line, I not having a ticket asked people if they had extras. No one did... But these two kids I asked said they usually sell tickets even when the show is sold out... So I shit my pants a little bit... And thats how I got in, the guard thought it was hilarious I shit my pants... LOL JK. But they did let 4 or 5 of us in just paying with no tickets so thats how I got it. The tickets were face value, $15, and I almost bought tickets on eBay for $70 - $100. And the tickets I do have I got for $15 from the venue online, but there was a $25 service charge on 4 tickets, so all and all it was a steal. I hope this will happen again tonight. So I get in, things happen, nothing special, I used the bathroom, blah blah blah. I get to the stage I am one person away from the stage. I have gas... bad gas... I ate a hot sausage (3 actually) before I left and yeah it gave me gas. I had to go to the bathroom again because I was killin liquids before I left and the people behind me were nice enough to save my spot. While I used the bathroom I stopped by the merch table and picked up two shirts (because I love them so much

Oh black man how I love thee, oh yeah and later that night on my way out (when I bought his music from him) I was outside and he came out the door and gave me my wallet! I had left it there! Black man you are awesome!
So there was another band in between, Explosions in the Sky esque but with shouted vocals. At first I was diggin' them and the guitarist was really into it, he looked like Jim Carey tearin' up the guitar, so if u know Jim thats a sight to see. Then the vocalist came out and I was like... ew stop singing. But he started dancing when he wasnt singing and that shit was HOT. He danced like I did and when he started dancing I felt more comfortable dancing so that was awesome. I ended up enjoying them and they are from Baltimore (near me) so thats cool. They are called Wilderness, I don't have pictures because I needed to save room for amazingness, which I did and it got full.
Some time passed and EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY CAME OUT. God I really cannot explain to you all how amazing they are. If you have been to many shows and one of which is your favorite, Explosions in the Sky tops that show. Its different because lets say your favorite show is... (we will use my friend for an example) Cold Play. Well you have to share Cold Play with about 1000+ other people. I could have smacked the guitarist if I tried, I was that close. And the music just penetrated my soul. One of the guitarists was so into it he fell down and flipped out and went out of control! And the one guy Mike (who I will talk about later) actually broke one of his strings and he fucking record timed that shit and re strung it and it was awesome. With them you just FEEL THAT SHIT! I experience music physically, so I need to dance it out. The first time I saw them I had not been to many shows, so I was kind of embarrassed to be dancing. NO one was moving the first time I saw them; the crowed was somewhat emo... (Wow I just stretched and all my muscles are severely fatigued from dancing). So the first time I saw them I danced a little but not much, off to the side. But this time I was a show veteran, with a bunch of shows under my belt, all of which were full of dance . I was front and center and bustin' a move! My head was bobbin' my ass was poppin' and lockin' and jiggilin' and it was amazing. 3/4ths of the way through this small woman ran in between people behind me and popped up RIGHT next to me. She commenced the jiggilin,' as the hillbilly from Aqua Teen Hunger Force would say, and we danced the night away! The show was absolutely amazing, the left without an encore, but I knew that was coming because I saw them once before. They play non stop and put everything out there, so for an hour they are doing super power squats of death while playing instruments. They dont encore after that, which is ok because they left me with everything they had and me with them. The little woman next to me was disappointed, I said to her "there is still tomorrow and the next day," she looked at me for the first time and I realized she was older than I thought which was even more awesome that she was still cutting a rug at these things and she says, "But I have to go back to England!," in the most English accent ever! I said back to her "Well they just left Europe!" She replies "I KNOW!"
But thats ok because last year I only saw them once and it was enough. After that I wanted to stay behind and get another guitar pick (to add to the one I guy last year) but security was all "get out" and I was all "
." Then I saw a stairway up to where the band hung out, and people were going up but this guard was checking if they knew the person. I stood on the staircase below waiting for them to come down and pack up their things. At which point the guard said "Do you need anything?" I replied "No
." Then I left, I butted in front of the coat check line to get my jacket (thank god! there was like 1 billion people and you will find out why I needed to get out fast in a second!) I made my way out past the merch table where I got the CD and LP and forgot my wallet, but you know what happened with that. I was outside waiting for my uncle and guess who I saw? THE FUCKING BASSIST/GUITARIST (I'm a noob and I don't know which instrument it was, It could have been either). Thank god for smoking, this is the first, last and only time I will say this (unless it happens again) but he was smoking and that is the only reason he was outside. I got him to sign the shirt I made to go to the show last year (The guy who exposed me to this band passed away in a car accident before I ever met him in person, so the front says "In memory of Dave, I never shook your hand, but I knew you all the same." The back says "Explosions in the Sky is Godly," with little explosions around it, and I got 2 band members and the artist of the shirts and pins to sign the first time I saw them.). So he signed that (I want to get all of them to sign it before I leave NY) and I told him that I have a poster that I got form them a year ago and I would really like to get them to sign it so if they could look out for me for the next two shows. He says "Yeah sure, whats your name?" FUCKING RAWK! NOW I CAN GO TO THE GUARD AND BE LIKE WHATS UP! YEAH I KNOW MIKE LET ME IN (THATS HIS NAME MIKE) AND MIKE WILL BE LIKE YEAH I KNOW HIM HES THAT GUY AND I WILL SHIT MY PANTS ALITTLE AND THE GUARD WILL LAUGH AND LET ME GO, BECAUSE I SHIT MY PANTS. Oh god what an amazing night! I really have no more to the story and I will let you enjoy the pictures and hopefully later I will host the videos so you can enjoy them as well.
Without further ado, EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY:
(hah I am so happy I copy pasted all this into word, I pressed save entry just to save it so i can upload the pictures and not fear deletion and it got deleted! but copy paste is my friend .)
You seem like a real sweetheart
My little bro is 18, he chose a tribal dragon on his shoulder, rather large and therefore brave of him for a first tatty. It took just over two hours and while he didn't cry or puke, he did have a tough time with it. Tried hard to put on a brave front though.