Considering how much I HATE to be alone, its supprising how much time I do spend alone. =(
To get a tattoo or not to get a tattoo, that is the question.
I am in NY and I have the opportunity (I belive) to get a tattoo in a regulated state (I dont yet know if it is regulated in this state but... we will see), I want a regulated state so I can donate blood. If I get a tattoo outside of a regulated state I cant donate blood for about a year... And that Sucks! I dont feel comfortable lying about where I got the tattoo, atleast I dont yet... I may have to if I cant find a regulated state. another factor is I dont want to go into the tattoo place alone =(, I dont have anyone who could really go WITH ME here so.... Thats a factor.
So, do I REALLY want a tattoo on my left wrist for the remainder of my to be long lived life?!
Answeres please =D
To get a tattoo or not to get a tattoo, that is the question.
I am in NY and I have the opportunity (I belive) to get a tattoo in a regulated state (I dont yet know if it is regulated in this state but... we will see), I want a regulated state so I can donate blood. If I get a tattoo outside of a regulated state I cant donate blood for about a year... And that Sucks! I dont feel comfortable lying about where I got the tattoo, atleast I dont yet... I may have to if I cant find a regulated state. another factor is I dont want to go into the tattoo place alone =(, I dont have anyone who could really go WITH ME here so.... Thats a factor.
So, do I REALLY want a tattoo on my left wrist for the remainder of my to be long lived life?!
Answeres please =D
get a tattoo